Facts & Figures: Healthcare Premiums Are Not on the Rise

Republicans warned that insurance premiums would rise dramatically in 2015, but it doesn’t look like that will happen. Only two of 17 states in an Urban Institute study will see premium increases of more than 5 percent.

Via The Urban Institute

Premium increases will be quite low between 2014 and 2015. In the rating areas we examine in the 17 states plus the District of Columbia, six states will have average premium reductions across the carriers’ lowest cost silver plans, 10 will have small premium increases (defined as 5% or less), and two will have increases greater than 5 percent. Across the 39 rating regions studied within those states, 18 will have average percentage premium reductions across their carriers’ lowest cost silver plans, 11 will have small increases, and 10 will have larger increases (greater than 5%).