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Thursday, November 6, 2014



Head of European Commission Under Pressure Over Luxembourg Tax Revelations

Jean-Claude Juncker was the prime minister of Luxembourg when the tiny country was transformed into one of the world’s premier low-tax hubs.

3 Found With Drones Near Nuclear Plant Are Questioned in France

The arrests, near the Belleville-sur-Loire site, followed a wave of at least 14 illegal drone flights over French plants in recent weeks.


As Myanmar Advances Resettlement Plan, Rohingya Flee

A government plan to resettle Muslim minorities who cannot meet strict standards for naturalized citizenship has spurred a major exodus, rights groups say.

News Analysis

China’s Uighur Unrest Is Opportunity for Afghans

With new aid and investments, Beijing seems to be coming to grips with Afghanistan’s role in its national security.

Middle East

Few See New Palestinian Intifada in Jerusalem Unrest

While tensions and violence appear to be rising, most commentators say the conditions are different from those of the previous Palestinian uprisings.

ISIS Wave of Might Is Turning Into Ripple

The Islamic State, facing airstrikes, as well as demographics that do not favor expansion, is carrying out a less visible operation in some areas.


African Mediators Fail to Name Civilian to Lead Burkina Faso After Unrest

There was, however, agreement on the outlines of a plan to restore the Constitution and begin a path to elections by November next year.

More News
Delhi Journal

The Dead of Delhi, Unknown and Unclaimed

In an average year, the city’s police register more than 3,000 unidentifiable bodies, most of them men who have come from distant villages to find work.

Bulgaria’s Central Bank Revokes License of Troubled Lender K.T.B.

The move halts all activities at the bank and opens the way for the payment of about $2.3 billion in deposits to businesses and consumers.

Report Implicates Chinese Officials in Smuggled Tanzanian Ivory

Two weeks before President Xi Jinping arrived in Tanzania, Chinese buyers purchased thousands of pounds of poached tusks, which were “later sent to China in diplomatic bags on the presidential plane,” the report said.

E.C.B. Signals Broader Action to Stimulate Europe’s Economy

The bank moved closer to the kind of large-scale government bond purchases used in the United States and left its benchmark interest rate unchanged.

Labor Program in China Moves to Scatter Uighurs Across Han Territory

As violence upends Xinjiang, officials are working to transplant and try to assimilate members of the mostly Muslim, Turkic-speaking ethnic minority.

100,000 Workers Protest Belgian Labor Reform

One of Belgium's biggest postwar labor demonstrations brought about 100,000 workers to the capital on Thursday to protest government free-market reforms and austerity measures that they claim undermine Belgium's vaunted welfare state.

Russia Plans to Boycott 2016 Nuclear Meeting Hosted by Obama

The plan to bypass the event is the latest sign of the deteriorating relationship with the United States over Ukraine.

Memo From Moscow

On Unity Day, Putin Divides Nationalists

President Vladimir V. Putin’s inconsistent embrace of nationalist tenets may have hampered turnout at the traditional Russian March.

Treating Those Treating Ebola in Liberia

A dedicated Ebola field hospital for health workers is scheduled to open Friday in Monrovia, Liberia, as part of an effort to ease the worries of would-be volunteers.

Egypt Elevates an Official Hostile to U.S.

Fayza Abul Naga, who led a criminal case against American nonprofit groups, will be national security adviser to President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

At Golan Heights, Israel Eyes Syria Chaos

A general said that for now neither the rebels nor President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militia assisting him, were interested in engaging Israel.

Washington Denies a Role in Yemeni Unrest

Supporters of the former Yemeni president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, accused the United States ambassador to Yemen of demanding that Mr. Saleh leave the country.

Ukraine to Freeze Payments in Separatist Areas

The prime minister said payments totaling $2.6 billion, mostly for public sector wages and pensions, would be withheld, putting a burden on Russia.

‘No Mercy’ for Killers of Couple in Pakistan

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ordered the authorities to “show no mercy” in bringing to justice those involved in the killing of a Christian couple who were accused of blasphemy.

Obama to Seek Congressional Backing for Military Campaign Against ISIS

The president opened the door to a lengthy, potentially contentious debate over the nature and extent of American engagement in Iraq and Syria.

From Opinion
Op-Ed Contributor

Europe Is Blocking Mideast Peace

Backing Palestine’s accession to the I.C.C. would deter war crimes on both sides.

Op-Ed Contributor

Who Decides Pacific Trade?

If Japan and America cannot conclude a trade deal, China will set the terms for the region’s economic future.

Op-Ed Contributors

Don’t Wreck the Iran Talks

Ramping up sanctions while there’s a chance of a deal would only hurt America and its allies.

From the Magazine

Inside the Vigilante Fight Against Boko Haram

As their military struggles to combat the Islamist terrorist group, everyday Nigerians have formed citizen battalions to defend their towns. But have they gone too far?

Braving Ebola

The men and women of one Ebola clinic in rural Liberia reflect on life inside the gates.

Interactive Graphic: How the Speed of Response Defined the Ebola Crisis

How did the timing of the large-scale intervention in the Ebola outbreak affect the number of reported cases today?

Graphic: Ebola Facts: What Is Being Done to Improve Medical Treatment in Africa?

Questions and answers on the scale of the outbreak and the science of the Ebola virus.


Treating Ebola Without Fear

A doctor reflects on his history with infectious disease.

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