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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Money & Policy

Obama Requests $6 Billion for Ebola

A White House official said most of the emergency funding would be for immediate response efforts.

The Upshot

States Benefiting Most From Obama’s Health Law Elected Republicans

People who were pleased with their new health care coverage remained unhappy with the Democrats who passed it.

The Upshot

Election Will Leave Medicaid Policies Largely Unchanged

Victories for Republican governors in several states means those states are not likely to expand coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

Maine: Nurse Reaches Agreement on Travel

A nurse who fought efforts by Maine to quarantine her at home after she returned from treating Ebola patients in West Africa reached an agreement on Monday with the state that largely leaves her free to travel.

The Upshot

Malpractice Reform Won’t Do Much to Reduce Health Spending

Evidence shows that “defensive medicine” practiced by doctors fearing lawsuits is only a tiny bit of overall care.

U.N. Employee Under Treatment for Ebola in France

The health ministry said in a statement on its website that the patient had contracted the virus in Sierra Leone and was being treated in a military hospital near Paris.

Defects Found Before Debut of Health Insurance Site for Small Businesses

The Obama administration has discovered a number of defects in the online marketplace that will offer health insurance to small-business employees, but said they would be fixed before Nov. 15.

Repeal of Health Law, Once Central to G.O.P., Is Side Issue in Campaigns

In a year that was supposed to be dominated by attacks on the Affordable Care Act, few Republican candidates focused on repeal or offered alternatives.

Obama Courts Women in Campaign Swing

The president promoted a progressive agenda and portrayed Republicans as hidebound, but he was careful to try to keep his own unpopularity from swaying elections.

Global Health
Global Health

H.I.V. Patients in Yemen Face Hospital Evictions

Patients infected with H.I.V. are being ordered out of hospitals in Yemen, even when they are in dire need of care, a human rights group says.

Global Health

Latrines May Not Improve Health of Poor Children

A major study in India has stunned advocates of latrine building by showing that it may do little good.

Global Health

Steroids Are No Boon to World’s Poorer Women

Giving steroids to women who are about to give birth prematurely may be useless or even dangerous in poor countries where most women give birth at home.

Global Health

Polio on the Rise Again in Pakistan, Officials Say

Last week, Pakistan reported 202 cases of paralysis from polio, the first time in 14 years the figure topped 200.

Room for Debate

Making Vaccination Mandatory for All Children

Should parents no longer be allowed to get religious or philosophical exemptions from having their children immunized?

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