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Profile picture of purzlbaum
  • Member Since: March 16th, 2007
  • Zurich
  • www.claudioschwarz.com
  • Frontend-Developer at claudioschwarz.com
  • Find me on:


Is interested in WordPress, photography and social media.

WordPress Origin Story

Set up my first blog in 2005 (V 1.5). Since then I’m blogging.

  • Posted a reply to "HTML problems in comments after import from Blogger", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Ok, I'll do that

    4 months ago

  • Created a topic, HTML problems in comments after import from Blogger, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    4 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "HTML problems in comments after import from Blogger", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    @esmi I used the common Blogger Importer from WordPress itself. So who should I ask?

    4 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "HTML problems in comments after import from Blogger", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    @esmi Imported the posts and comments with the "Blogger to WordPress" Plugin As you can…

    4 months ago

  • Created a topic, HTML problems in comments after import from Blogger, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    4 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "this plugins breaks the design of widgets page", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Same problem here. And doesn't show all configured sidebars.

    9 months ago

  • Posted a reply to "Plugin close itself", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    Same problem here. Looks like, there is a problem with two requests: http://cl.ly/image/1r1o461Y111o http://cl.ly/image/200P133M0K3s

    1 year ago

  • Created a topic, Support Custom Post Types, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    2 years ago

  • Created a topic, Monthly pagination (instead of next posts/previous posts), on the site WordPress Support Forums

    5 years ago

  • Created a topic, claudioschwarz.com - Feedback, on the site WordPress Support Forums

    5 years ago

  • Posted a reply to "finished my site - feedback", on the site WordPress Support Forums:
    @heartstruckjewels just download the autofocus theme: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/autofocus claudio.

    5 years ago