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{5} Next Major Release (147 matches)

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Results (1 - 100 of 147)

1 2
Stars Comments Ticket Summary Owner Component Version Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
2 3 #29897 Some focus styles are broken Administration normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 10/11/14
3 27 #29356 iPad Menu Tapping is Broken helen Administration 4.0 normal major 4.0.1 defect (bug) has-patch 09/26/14
7 7 #27418 "Notices" lack variety Administration 3.8 normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 11/04/14
7 2 #29881 Better abstraction for WP_Posts_List_Table so it's easier to subclass Administration 3.1 normal normal 4.1 enhancement 10/07/14
1 #29779 Update Heartbeat to use the "page visibility" API and add a setting for minimal interval Administration normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 09/28/14
2 22 #27115 HTTPS links to wordpress.org johnbillion* Administration low minor 4.1 task (blessed) has-patch 11/03/14
1 5 #29694 wp_not_installed() has an unbounded check for "install.php" joemcgill Bootstrap/Load normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 10/03/14
2 #30256 Create and exclude an area for ms-files.php specific unit tests Build/Test Tools normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 11/06/14
7 17 #29792 Grunt: Add a precommit task to check for CSS syntax errors Build/Test Tools normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 10/12/14
2 7 #29544 WP_Filesystem_MockFS permissions support Build/Test Tools trunk normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 10/08/14
13 #29546 grunt uglify for plugins and plugin developers Build/Test Tools trunk normal trivial 4.1 enhancement has-patch 10/21/14
2 14 #25117 The distribution build process should be fully available to anyone. Build/Test Tools normal normal 4.1 feature request has-patch 10/08/14
13 #30141 Update Grunt devDependencies in package.json jorbin Build/Test Tools normal normal 4.1 task (blessed) 10/30/14
4 20 #29146 Audio/Video in Twenty Thirteen are lacking bottom margin mikeyarce Bundled Theme 3.6 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 11/01/14
3 3 #30208 Twenty Fifteen: expanding a sub-menu when the sidebar is fixed needs to conditionally unfix the sidebar Bundled Theme trunk normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) 11/04/14
1 2 #30144 Twenty Fourteen: Add aria-hidden to reduce verbosity on archive pages Bundled Theme normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) reporter-feedback 11/01/14
1 10 #29577 Twenty Thirteen: Use proper way to get customizer settings values kdoran Bundled Theme 3.6 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 11/03/14
3 10 #24194 Twenty Thirteen: non-responsive layout in IE8 phpmypython Bundled Theme 3.6 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 11/01/14
1 6 #30160 Twenty Fifteen: Improve naming and documentation of Customizer JS files Bundled Theme trunk normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 11/03/14
6 27 #29988 Twenty Fifteen: Use JS/postMessage to update the color scheme instead of triggering a page refresh Bundled Theme trunk normal normal 4.1 enhancement dev-feedback 11/07/14
2 6 #30165 Twenty Fifteen: add help text explaining header/sidebar controls in the Customizer Bundled Theme trunk normal normal 4.1 enhancement commit 11/06/14
3 6 #30214 Twenty Fifteen: mailto: links in Social Media Links should be obfuscated Bundled Theme trunk normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 11/04/14
2 7 #30176 Twenty Fourteen: Replaces ellipses with ellipses and a Continue reading link. Bundled Theme trunk normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 11/05/14
52 22 #29799 Twenty Fifteen Bundled Theme normal normal 4.1 task (blessed) 10/21/14
6 45 #11286 Normal User Input Causes Status 500 Comments 2.8.4 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) commit 11/01/14
5 10 #22301 Performance problem with Recent Comments widget Comments 2.8 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 10/07/14
12 #23133 Display a warning in the admin if cron tasks fail due to blocked HTTP requests Cron API 3.5 normal major 4.1 enhancement dev-feedback 09/18/14
3 #30182 All Iris options should be able to be overridden via wpColorPicker options Customize 3.5 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) commit 11/02/14
8 #30251 Customizer inconsistent contextual behavior ocean90 Customize trunk normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) commit 11/06/14
12 28 #23225 Customizer is Incompatible with jQuery UI Tabs. Customize 3.4 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 10/17/14
1 5 #30235 Improve ability to filter active state for widget area Customizer sections ocean90 Customize trunk normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 11/03/14
5 #29289 Keyboard focus on the header and background settings screens SergeyBiryukov Customize 2.1 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 10/18/14
5 #30236 Trigger widget-added event in Customizer when initializing ocean90 Customize trunk normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 11/03/14
4 15 #28650 Allow Customizer elements (controls, sections, and panels) to be deep-linked celloexpressions Customize 3.4 normal normal 4.1 enhancement 11/06/14
5 12 #29949 Customizer collapsed mode is barely usable Customize 3.4 normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 10/31/14
6 24 #29572 Customizer: add a framework for rendering controls from JS templates Customize 3.4 high normal 4.1 enhancement commit 11/01/14
3 12 #21627 Filter for custom-background CSS selector Horttcore Customize 3.4.1 low minor 4.1 enhancement 10/19/14
2 24 #28032 Headers, Backgrounds, and Widgets in the Customizer are not discoverable from their separate admin screens. Customize 3.9 normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 10/29/14
7 25 #28504 Icons for Customizer Sections Customize 3.4 normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 10/17/14
10 33 #28709 Improve/introduce Customizer JS models for Controls, Sections, and Panels ocean90 Customize high normal 4.1 enhancement 10/31/14
2 19 #28542 Navigating within Customizer preview should update parent document title ocean90 Customize 3.4 normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 10/29/14
27 45 #21483 Refactor Customizer Upload, Image, and Background Image controls to leverage the media library/modal Customize 3.5 normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 11/07/14
8 14 #25571 Remove Custom Header Page in favor of the Customizer Customize normal normal 4.1 enhancement commit 11/06/14
14 17 #25569 Remove the Custom Background Screen in Favor of the Customizer celloexpressions Customize normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 11/06/14
4 4 #30277 Split up Customizer JS into separate files and remove self-booting jQuery.ready call Customize trunk normal normal 4.1 task (blessed) 11/07/14
3 5 #28155 mysqli flush issues Database 3.9 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/29/14
2 6 #28636 Add functions for working with local dates and times Date/Time 2.9 normal normal 4.1 enhancement dev-feedback 09/09/14
2 #30035 Can't put buttons in the Publish meta box Editor trunk normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) 10/27/14
2 9 #27195 Disappearing image captions on pasted images from Google Docs azaozz Editor 3.8.1 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) 10/27/14
6 #29778 Editor sidebar scrolling breaks when adding anything above post meta boxes Editor 4.0 normal normal 4.0.1 defect (bug) has-patch 09/28/14
8 #29815 Text editor content not accessible for screen readers SergeyBiryukov Editor 4.0 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 10/30/14
20 59 #29806 Focus (continued) Editor normal normal 4.1 task (blessed) has-patch 11/06/14
1 10 #29126 Add Kickstarter oEmbed support Embeds normal minor 4.1 enhancement dev-feedback 09/18/14
1 4 #28146 Export Filter for Post IDs Export 3.9 normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 09/11/14
6 #29182 MediaElement language update External Libraries normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) 11/07/14
1 #30281 Update MediaElement to 2.16.0 External Libraries normal normal 4.0.1 defect (bug) 11/07/14
1 12 #26843 Let jQuery UI 1.11 handle touch-action compatibility for IE Touch External Libraries 3.9 low normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 11/06/14
1 14 #29833 Update to jQuery UI 1.11.2 External Libraries trunk normal normal 4.1 enhancement needs-unit-tests 10/16/14
2 13 #29256 Strings ending with a number and quotation mark get wrong smart quotes Formatting 2.8 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 10/16/14
14 #28699 \0 (backslash+zero) gets stripped from post content for users without "unfiltered_html" Formatting 1.0 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 09/06/14
6 41 #28786 wp_send_json silently fails on non UTF-8 strings pento Formatting 3.5 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) commit 11/02/14
1 19 #24225 Improve regular expressions when matching attributes kovshenin Formatting 3.6 normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 10/17/14
4 20 #29606 Reorder images via drag and drop is not working in WP 4 ericandrewlewis Gallery 4.0 normal normal 4.0.1 defect (bug) 11/06/14
3 7 #29329 Create Gallery needs an "unattached" filter SergeyBiryukov Gallery normal normal 4.1 enhancement 09/29/14
6 #10275 Filter logic has been put into the template loader while it not belongs there. General 2.8 normal normal defect (bug) 11/05/14
2 6 #29909 Scrolling beneath modals bad experience on mobile General normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 10/15/14
48 #30224 Scrutinizer in 4.1 wonderboymusic General trunk normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) 11/04/14
3 12 #25672 is_a() causing errors with get_users() General 3.6.1 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/02/14
2 8 #28978 wp_send_json_error() should support WP_Error objects paulschreiber General normal normal 4.1 enhancement commit 09/12/14
17 49 #21195 get_avatar_url General 2.5 normal normal 4.1 feature request has-patch 10/17/14
5 35 #22229 Plurals in JavaScript nbachiyski* I18N low normal 4.1 enhancement dev-feedback 10/29/14
8 #30193 Add JSDoc-style options hash descriptions for media class constructors Media 3.5 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 11/01/14
3 #29951 Document wp.media.view.EditorUploader Media normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) commit 11/04/14
1 2 #29818 Drag and drop image order in "Insert Media" lacks documentation wonderboymusic Media 4.0 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) 10/03/14
1 21 #28459 Improve wp.media documentation wonderboymusic Media 3.5 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) commit 11/05/14
2 7 #19793 In image editor, editing thumbnail has no effect if crop is exactly size of thumbnail ericlewis Media 3.3.1 normal minor 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 10/28/14
1 #30090 Incorrect documentation for wp.media() Media normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) 10/25/14
1 6 #24352 It is not obvious what does "Edit" mean in the info (bottom) part of the media selection window Media 3.5 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) 10/03/14
3 10 #29495 Layout bugs in Media Library header on Mobile helen Media 4.0 low minor 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 10/26/14
2 8 #23003 Long filename breaks styling in media modal Media 3.5 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 09/12/14
3 #29934 Media modal: make the "Selected" row (at the bottom) thumbnails non-draggable Media normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/26/14
4 11 #28321 Media uploader confuses user with description, caption, alt and title, without explanation Media 3.5 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) dev-feedback 11/04/14
1 11 #29856 Setting default quality doesn't always work SergeyBiryukov Media 4.0 normal normal 4.0.1 defect (bug) reporter-feedback 11/06/14
11 #18532 resized image dimensions incorrectly floored instead of rounded SergeyBiryukov Media 2.5 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/04/14
1 7 #29384 wpview: mejs: Playing one player inside the editor doesn't stop the other Media 4.0 normal trivial 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 10/09/14
3 7 #29326 Improve accessibility of edit-selection mode Media 4.0 normal normal 4.1 enhancement dev-feedback 11/04/14
5 13 #22938 Presentation of hierarchical taxonomy in Media modal should be checkboxes rather than comma-separated tag list wonderboymusic Media 3.5 normal normal 4.1 enhancement dev-feedback 10/27/14
1 8 #21295 Retrospectively generate new images sizes if requested Media normal normal 4.1 feature request has-patch 10/08/14
5 11 #24146 Menu items with blank labels are removed on saving SergeyBiryukov* Menus 3.5.1 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/01/14
2 9 #24975 Scheduled Page on Menu showing before Schedule time Menus 3.6 normal minor 4.1 defect (bug) close 10/13/14
1 3 #26880 Allow html in nav menu item descriptions Menus 3.0 normal normal enhancement 10/14/14
7 21 #29890 Make menu descriptions available to be displayed on the front-end Menus 3.0 normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 11/05/14
1 5 #29743 warning with join in nav-menu-template.php (L 98) when apply_filters nav_menu_css_class return null markjaquith Menus trunk normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 10/27/14
2 16 #17397 Inconsistency in allowed site addresses Networks and Sites 3.0 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) 09/16/14
2 9 #18117 get_blog_details is sensitive to path's trailing slash Networks and Sites 3.0 normal normal 4.1 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 11/04/14
10 #30121 wpmu_delete_blog function clears the whole uploads directory jeremyfelt Networks and Sites 3.5 high critical 4.1 defect (bug) has-patch 11/05/14
11 #30080 Consolidate, split, and organize current tests in ms-site group jeremyfelt Networks and Sites normal normal 4.1 enhancement 11/02/14
2 5 #30145 Introduce wp_is_trusted_network() jeremyfelt Networks and Sites normal normal 4.1 task (blessed) 10/29/14
7 #28682 Live-update the site title in the admin bar when changing the corresponding setting field SergeyBiryukov Options, Meta APIs normal normal 4.1 enhancement has-patch 11/06/14
3 20 #29573 Hebrew post slug is not properly cut on Edit Post screen Permalinks 4.0 normal normal 4.0.1 defect (bug) commit 09/29/14
1 2
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