
Cover photo
Aaron Fown
Lives in Ann Arbor Michigan


My editorial on the crash of the SpaceShipTwo spacecraft, Time Editor Jeffrey Kluger's bizarre take on the events, and how his delusion that progress should only occur in an impossible state of perfect safety is not his alone. 
The tragic loss of life during the recent crash of the experimental Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo in the Mojave Desert has produced an outpouring of grief and sympathy throughout the social networks. This is a natural reaction to the loss of human life, perhaps especially when deaths occur while bravely performing dangerous tasks. But this isn’t how Jeffery Kluger, Editor at Large for Time magazine, feels about this incident. In his ed...
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Aaron Fown

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Mom was having difficulty signing for packages while dad is running errands in town, since she can't easily make it downstairs anymore. So I made a thing to help. 
Rex Rivers's profile photoKevin Anthony's profile photo
Is it weird that I thought this was the set up for an ill-advised ice bucket challenge video? 
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Aaron Fown

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This is my latest work for FirstUAV, a performance of Butoh theater, which I was invited to document with my UAV at the 2014 Ypsilanti Heritage Festival. As far as I can tell this is the first published dance troupe performance that was filmed entirely via UAV, and it's certainly the first Butoh performance filmed via UAV. Many thanks to the dancers, Aimee Adams, Ken Davis, Rachel Finan, Audria Larsen, Katherine Marty, Kari Smith  & Clinton Zimmerman for working together with me to make this work; I think this performance was very well suited to the medium we recorded it in. And special thanks to the Ypsilanti Police Department for allowing me to hover over their truck when the wind picked up (it was very, very windy, with 15-20 mph gusts) as that greatly improved the safety of the proceedings. Filming this performance in that wind, in such a confined space, and without directly flying overhead anyone was a great challenge, especially with so many oblivious people in the crowd, but I managed it, and I'm proud of the result.
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Aaron Fown

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Presented without comment. #caturday
Corey Reid's profile photoBill Pusztai's profile photoJose Manuel Maldonado's profile photoAaron Fown's profile photo
It was an amazing thing to see on the drive, that's for sure. I kind of snapped the picture in shock at a stoplight: had to crop it a lot. I'd have to know who owns it first I guess. 
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Aaron Fown

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Fucking SmugMug seems to have lost my entire photo backup. Apparently there was a payment snafu back in November, and they never told me, never notified me my account was in arrears, and certainly never told me that my photos were going to be deleted. In fact, they used to say that photos would be safe there no matter what, but I dare say they are in danger there no matter what given this experience.

Don't use SmugMug. 
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Aaron Fown

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I am proud of this shot. I saw this pastoral scene while driving along outside of Newark, and I was so struck by it that I had to turn back and set up a few shots in A mode. Everything about this came out perfect straight out of camera; the exposure, the crop, the composition, the depth of field. I only pumped up the vibrance a bit to match how it looked to the eye, as I intentionally shoot with a 'flat' color profile for editing flexibility.

I can't stop looking at it. I may have to get it printed. 
Richard Paris's profile photoCorey Reid's profile photo
Gorgeous work.
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Aaron Fown

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My most recent video was taken at the local Drone User Group fly-in at Belle Isle. I also took some lovely (and first!) shots of the spectacular fountain that is located there. 
Steve Holst's profile photo
Very cool.
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389 people

Aaron Fown

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Home made ginger garlic stir fry with roasted Brussels sprouts, garden beans, sou-vide beef and lots of other things. This was a big success. 
Calvin Phuong's profile photoDoug M.'s profile photoDebbie Fown's profile photo
That' beautiful. My son is a chef among other things. All of which you inherited from your talented mother, except all the bad things, which you got from your dad..
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Aaron Fown

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Jeff Embury's profile photo
That'll work (good son!)
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Aaron Fown

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Steve Holst's profile photoandrew hoffmann's profile photo
You guys are awesome!!
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Aaron Fown

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Yes, I'm quite happy with the MotoX camera now. 
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Aaron Fown

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The first (and only, as this species blooms but once) inflorescence of the 80 year old American Agave plant at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens. They had to remove a pane from the roof to accommodate the rapid growth of the inflorescence. More info:

If this looks like an impossible exposure, it is. This is a 7 exposure set that I developed in a new way; I created a 32-bit file in Merge to HDR, and then edited that file in Lightroom. I like how this process has produced a perfectly exposed image without the artificial look of the typical HDR image.
Robert Grimm's profile photoDaniel J. Stern's profile photo
Nicely done! Not only an interesting and scarce subject, but an even scarcer justified and correct use of HDR.
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In his circles
389 people
Plant pathologist, Microbiologist, Geneticist, Videographer
Basic Information
I'm exploring the world, and trying to make it a better place.
I'm a scientist, writer, and videographer, traveling the nation looking for fully developed, sustainable technologies that we can use to save the future.
Bragging rights
Taught myself HD video production on the cheap!
Map of the places this user has livedMap of the places this user has livedMap of the places this user has lived
Ann Arbor Michigan
Johnstown Ohio - Marco Island Florida
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