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Mechanical Engineer Shares What They DON'T Teach You In College If your from a technical background you've probably got the necessary skills and knowledge to create a great product. Being able build something of quality is such a key component to creating a successful business. There is some essential product development skills that always taught at universities which play a large role in the real life product development process. David Berry, a mechanical engineer gone startup founder, shares his secrets to effective product development and how to scale a newly formed startup into international markets. Click here for the article #inspiration #business #businesstools #startuptools #business #startup #ecofounder #startupskills #businessskills #businesstips #cleantech #customers #value #leadership #marketing #sales #finance #customerservice #management #founder #entrepreneur
David Berry, a mechanical engineer gone startup founder, shares the secrets to product development success.
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Get it Protected! Your Guide to Intellectual Property
Protecting your innovation is something that is hugely important when going into business. The protection itself can come in many forms: trademark, copyright, and patents. It can be difficult to know what sort of protection to look for. When should you start the protection process and where do you begin?
To answer all these questions I brought in a lawyer.
Todays guest know’s all about patents for cleantech innovators.
In this Episode of ECO founder TV you’ll learn what you need to do in order to protect your intellectual property and your innovation. In this video I am joined by Eric Lane, the founder of Green Patent Law. Click here for the article-->>

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Use it or lose it… more like: protect it or lose it. No I’m not talking about your memory. I’m definitely not talking about losing your muscular strength. Instead I’m referring to something that is much easier for others to steal. First let me ask you a question… Are you proud of your work? If the answer to …
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What are you reading at the moment?
“I insist on a lot of time being spent, almost every day, to just sit and think. That is very uncommon in American business. I read and think. So I do more reading and thinking, and make less impulse decisions than most people in business. I do it because I like this kind of life.” - Warren Buffett. Just like impulsive purchases impulsive business decisions are often mistakes. Take on the mindset of Warren Buffet and get your fair portion of reading everyday. Here, I have crafted a list of the most influential books for cleantech entrepreneurs take a look here

Do you have any books you would add?

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Startups and Innovation Marketing and Sales Networking and Human Relationships Leadership Cleantech Specific
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The #1 Overlooked Source of R&D Funding
“I have some great technology but no money, how do I get the project off the ground?”
Many first time entreprenuers stuggle to get their ventures off the ground because of one vital component funding. You can do alot with bootstrapping but at some stage you'll need to get outside funding. In this post you'll learn the first steps to take to gain government grants to fuel your startup.
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#startup #business #engineering #engineer #cleantech #greentech
"I have some great technology but no money, how do I get the project off the ground?" In this post you'll learn how to gain R&D funding for your startup
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$1,000,000 Awarded To Chicago Cleantech Startups
One million dollars was awarded recently to four cleantech startups in Chicago by the Illinois Clean Energy Fund. This article provides some unique insight on how the judging criteria for gaining funding. Read it @CleanTechnica

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One million dollars was awarded recently to four cleantech startups in Chicago by the Illinois Clean Energy Fund. 1) Intellihot Green Technologies received $400,000 2) SiNode Systems received $300,000 3) AllCell Technologies received $200,000 4) Agentis Energy received $100,000. Amy Francetic, the CEO of Clean Energy Trust generously answered some questions about the competition. 1. How did you narrow the field
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The #1 Overlooked Source of R&D Funding
"I have some great technology but no money, how do I get the project off the ground?" When you are first starting out as an entrepreneur there are many things to worry about. You have product timelines, strategic partnerships and promotion campaigns. But once you get deep into the heart of the matter you realise that there is something that you'll need. You'll need funding to fuel your venture. You'll want to throw your own cash at the venture. Then you'll reach out to other people such as family, friends and even investors. But there is one form of funding that cleantech entrepreneurs are blessed with. In this post you'll learn how to win government grants to fuel your venture. Click the link to read the article.

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"I have some great technology but no money, how do I get the project off the ground?" In this post you'll learn how to gain R&D funding for your startup
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Mechanical Engineer Shares What They DON'T Teach You In College
If your from a technical background you've probably got the necessary skills and knowledge to create a great product. Being able build something of quality is such a key component to creating a successful business. There is some essential product development skills that always taught at universities which play a large role in the real life product development process. David Berry, a mechanical engineer gone startup founder, shares his secrets to effective product development and how to scale a newly formed startup into international markets. Click here for the article

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David Berry, a mechanical engineer gone startup founder, shares the secrets to product development success.
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Mechanical Engineer Shares What They DON'T Teach You In College
With the creation technology products your mechanical engineering degree gives you a great background in planning the technical aspects of the project.
But what about the business side of things?
Many engineers get stuck in a trap when it comes to product design. In this Episode of ECO founder TV you’ll learn what they don’t teach you in engineering schools about product development. David Berry, a mechanical engineer gone startup founder, shares his secrets to effective product development and how to scale a newly formed startup into international markets.
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David Berry, a mechanical engineer gone startup founder, shares the secrets to product development success.
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Mechanical Engineer Shares What They DON'T Teach You In College
Many engineers get stuck in a trap when it comes to product design. Fulfilling the design briefs and making something that functionally work is great…as long as people actually want your solution. If they do want it, then how do they find out it exists… and how do they purchase and receive the product? To answer these questions you’ll need a strong marketing and sales plan. As David Berry explains in the interview below the product development plan and the marketing and sales plan go hand in hand. In this Episode of ECO founder TV you’ll learn what they don’t teach you in engineering schools about product development. David Berry, a mechanical engineer gone startup founder, shares his secrets to effective product development and how to scale a newly formed startup into international markets.

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David Berry, a mechanical engineer gone startup founder, shares the secrets to product development success.
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The #1 Overlooked Source of R&D Funding
Most people find it hard to talk about money issues. Especially when it comes down to funding your passion project. That's often why we don't address the issue with the best rational. We think to ourselves that if we focus on the technology... then the funding will take care of itself.

This is rarely the case.

It's going to take a conscious strategy to be able to gain the right kind of funding for your venture. But what kind of funding do you need?

Once you've exhausted your own personal funding to fuel your venture it's time to talk to family and friends. After that avenue is exhausted we are going to be talking the foolhardy which could be angels (angel investors) and VC's (venture capitalists).

...But before you decide whether you seek funding from the foolhardy group... why not leverage the government funding available to cleantech specific companies.

This is what you'll learn in today's post. Learn how you should find a grant and how to apply for grants relevant to your industry.
Click the link below to get the article

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"I have some great technology but no money, how do I get the project off the ground?" In this post you'll learn how to gain R&D funding for your startup
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Three Pathways For Scaling Up Societal Change
Sustainnovate is focused on companies and organizations that are making positive change in the world. Specifically, we are focused on cleantech solutions that help to solve the global warming, pollution, water scarcity, and food insecurity crises that are facing the world. The bottom line is that, if we don’t change a great deal, much of the world’s population is going to be facing tremendous struggle within the coming decades. But the question is, how does big societal change happen?
Follow the link to find out more

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Sustainnovate. Sustainnovate is focused on companies and organizations that are making positive change in the world. Specifically, we are focused on cleantech solutions that help to solve the global warming, pollution, water scarcity, and food insecurity crises that are facing the world. The bottom line is that, if we don't change a great deal, much of
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New Tool For Clean Energy Action: "SWITCH"
“SWITCH is a tool we can use to examine the different choices of technologies within the electrical power sector and their locations. It enables us to estimate the impact on regional air pollution emissions, as well as how much land area, and water consumption would be needed for each scenario. We have used this model for different future energy scenarios across western North America, and we see an enormous variation in both the magnitude and location of environmental impacts,” explains doctoral candidate Tessa Beach. Get the Article Here ->>

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A new policymaking tool to better enable the shift to renewable energy has been developed by researchers at the University of California--Berkeley, and presented at an event at the University of Copenhagen. Policymakers and planners need to discern the most efficient and effective means within the multiple choices and routes to cutting greenhouse gases and shifting away
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