Public Editor

  1. The Upshot and the Midterms: Big Test, Good Grade and Lessons Learned

    The data-driven enterprise had a solid run, and wants to build on it.

  2. Shaky Times, Strong Journalism

    The Times is beset with business challenges but despite the turbulence, some recent investigative stories have been hard-hitting.

  3. List of Extremist Attacks Disturbs Muslim Readers

    A Times article compiling various incidents in which Islamic extremists attacked uniformed officers was hard to take for some readers.

  4. Responding to Reader Concerns on Ebola Coverage

    Amid strong coverage, some complaints worth considering.

  5. Off to Denmark – and Off the Grid for a Few Days

    The public editor surveys the Scandinavian scene.

  6. For James Risen, a Struggle That Never Ends
  7. Should David Brooks Disclose His Son’s Israeli Military Service?
  8. Like Sea Level, Times Environmental Coverage on the Rise