Texas House Member

Member Photo

Rep. Taylor, Van

District 66


Capitol Address:

Room E1.302, Capitol Extension
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768
(512) 463-0594
(512) 463-1021 Fax

District Address:

6301 Preston Rd., Ste. 700
Plano, TX, 75024
(972) 398-9416
(972) 398-9419 Fax

Counties Represented:

Collin (part)


Press Conferences:

Member Press Conferences


No media have been submitted


Van Taylor, 7th generation Texan, dedicated family man, successful businessman and decorated Marine Officer first took the oath of office as State Representative for District 66 on April 20th, 2010, in Plano.

In his first legislative session, and subsequent special session, Rep. Taylor achieved several legislative victories. Years of hard work and dedication led to the passage of a bill to enable military men and women serving overseas to more easily vote. Rep. Taylor also passed legislation to ensure that legal immigrants with financial means do not receive taxpayer funded health care. The Texas Conservative Coalition and the Texas Eagle Forum honored Rep Taylor for his 90% conservative voting record. Texans for Fiscal Responsibility named him a 2011 Taxpayer Champion.

Rep. Taylor currently sits on the Insurance and Government Efficiency & Reform Committees. He is a member of Independent Conservative Republicans of Texas and the Texas Conservative Coalition. He is also the Founding Member of the Freshman Second Amendment Caucus.

Born in Dallas, Representative Taylor earned his Eagle Scout at age 13. He graduated from Harvard College in 1995 and joined the Marine Corps. After graduating from intelligence, infantry, sniper, and airborne schools, Taylor led a Marine reconnaissance platoon. Following four years of active duty, he joined the Marine Corps Reserves to continue serving his country while earning a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School.

As a Marine Officer and paratrooper, Captain Taylor volunteered for duty as a platoon commander with the Marine Corps’ C Company, 4th Reconnaissance Battalion. He deployed to Iraq where he fought with 2nd Force Reconnaissance Company. Taylor led the first platoon into Iraq for his brigade and led a mission that rescued 31 wounded Marines during the pitched Battle of An Nasiriyah. For his service in Iraq, the Marine Corps awarded Captain Taylor the Combat Action Ribbon, Presidential Unit Citation, and the Navy Commendation Medal with "V" for valor.

Van and his wife, Anne, married after his return from Iraq and are the proud parents of Laura, 9, Helen, 8, and Susie, 4. Van and his family reside in Plano near the land which his great-grandfather farmed during the Great Depression.

last updated on 3/17/2014