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resilient communities.


Food & Water

The Local Food Challenge wind up

Being a local relational eater in a consumerist world takes courage and commitment. A lot of it.

Slow Food Movement Growing Fast

What is good, clean and fair, and doesn’t cost the Earth? The answer is ‘Slow Food’, according to a growing number of people worldwide.

Finding McIntosh

Trees are one way of investing in the future, so lets make our great grandkids proud and leave them something positive to remember us by.

REIT, Drink, and Be Merry: Farmland LP’s Fund Gives Investors, Enviros, and Foodies Something to Cheer About

Farmland LP is an investment fund that buys conventional farmland, converts it to organic using a pasture and crop rotation, and then manages the farmland for an optimal mix of environmental …

I've Been Pollan-ated

Several groups teamed up to bring Michael Pollan to the University of Vermont for a question and answer session and book signing this past Thursday evening, …

Review: Edible Landscaping with a Permaculture Twist

It’s remarkable how much information this slim paperback carries. It doesn’t try to teach all the basics of gardening and landscaping, but …

These Two People Want to Change the World Through Cooking and Food Choices

When Adam Aronovitz and Alissa Bilfield set out to travel the world and serve others, they could not find a volunteer opportunity that fit their need.

Shashe farmers demonstrate practical food sovereignty

Food sovereignty as a concept is under debate by various actors in the academia, activists and governments.

The Archaic Arts and Skills

There are still niches for the archaic arts. And it is our job to help preserve them, to help them endure through the cacophony and clutter of the modern world.

Oxford Real Farming Conference: power, lies, and the need for agrarian resistance

The world’s global strategy of food and farming is founded on three great untruths – lies, in effect -- which between them are threatening to …

Strips of Native Prairie Protect Farm Soil

A new conservation practice reduces cropland erosion to sustainable levels even on moderately sloping land: contoured strips within corn and bean fields, …
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