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Sound On Sight / Sordid Cinema

By Ricky D

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The Sound On Sight radio show is marketed principally towards students and genre enthusiasts, and typically features in-depth discussion and debate on contemporary film. In October of 2009 we launched our monthly spin-off series Sordid Cinema, which focuses more on extreme and eccentric genre flicks. Both podcasts can be heard on this feed.

Customer Reviews

Is This Criticism?

I will try to keep this review as constructive as I can, as that is what I feel was lacking in the episode I listened to. My hope is that other episodes are more even handed and objective in the critical basis from which the reviewers are judging films, but after listening to the Gaspar Noe episode, I simply have no desire to listen to another. Granted, I will say that Noe's films are incredibly problematic, incendiary, and uncomfortable to deal with. But to simply rant on and on with what I felt were personal attacks on him as both a person and a film maker, is in my opinion, doing a great injustice to a show that is selling itself as a keen critical exploration of the art of film. This sounded more like an hour of three people with a strong agenda of simply tearing someone down as much as possible. The continued references to how "sophomoric", "juvenile", and "stupid" his films are almost totally misses the mark. Particularly in regards to "Enter the Void". If you think that it has no clear point or thematic focus, I suggest you do some additional research and take a look at the Tibetan Book of the Dead, as the film is essentially a full life cycle and three staged journey of the soul from body to ultimate reality, or transcendence. This is the same three tiered journey described within the book. In the film, Noe ambitiously attempts to find new cinematic language that is transcendent of both space and time. Is the execution always flawless? No, absolutely not. A lot of the acting and storytelling is lacking in major portions of the film. But to even tackle a subject and an epic story of this nature with such ambition is commendable in itself. Essentially what this review boils down to is that I am incredibly disappointed at having spent an hour listening to a group of critics personally tear into an artist because they had personal issues with a lot of the subject matter and execution in the films. If all of you want to be legitimate critics and contribute something back to this art form, I suggest you reassess your approach. A more objective and thoughtful approach to your criticism would better serve what I hope you are attempting to achieve. As it stands, this episode was so full of subjective personal attacks, that it really took away from my enjoyment of the program. I wish you the best with your show, and I hope this review has been helpful in some way.


Sound on Sight is one of the very best film podcasts out there. They cover every kind of film out there: cult films, art flicks, Hollywood blockbusters, B movies, horror and so much more. Although I have disagreed many times with opinions of the hosts, they explain very well why they like or dislike a film and always keep a sense of humor about it. Some episodes are downright hilarious while others contain interesting insight into the work of some directors. It’s a must listen.

Host makes idiotic joke on the Aurora shootings

In the beginning of The Dark Knight Rises episode, one of the hosts made an unsuccessful attempt at being funny and clever by making a joke about the Aurora shootings. His words were "did anyone get murdered?". I was dumbfounded. All I could say is this host must be cynical, apathetic, self-important and just out of touch to even think and say something like that on air. Shame on the show for not editing it out of the podcast. It wouldn't make the show dishonest to edit it out. At the least, it would not be perpetuating something regrettable and insensitive...unless they do not regret making the joke at all.

Sound On Sight / Sordid Cinema
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  • Category: TV & Film
  • Language: English

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