Court upholds gay marriage bans in 4 states

A same-sex couple exchanges vows in Missouri. (Reuters)

The U.S. appeals court decision overturned rulings in Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee and Kentucky creating a split that almost surely means the Supreme Court must take up the issue of whether same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry.

Post Nation

The last person connected to the Texas Ebola patients will be cleared Friday

After three Ebola diagnoses in Texas, more than 170 people have been monitored for symptoms.

    More National News

    Assessing the Sixth Circuit decision upholding the constitutionality of laws banning same-sex marriage

    Today’s Sixth Circuit decision upholding laws banning same-sex marriage ignores relevant Supreme Court sex discrimination precedent and other important arguments cutting against its holding.

    How soon could same-sex marriage be decided by the Supreme Court?

    Mark your calendar for June 29, 2015.

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    The White House chief of staff wrote about events both historic and mundane.

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    Ex-SEAL who shot bin Laden ‘didn’t think I would survive’

    Robert O’Neill reveals himself as the shooter amid criticism from his former peers.


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    An Obama-McConnell toast? Knob Creek is all in.

    The whiskey maker is hustling to be the bourbon of choice.


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    Feds wary of GOP control of Congress

    The Republican victory could mean cuts in pay and benefits for federal employees.

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    Republicans: Midterms show party mastered ground game

    Voter outreach akin to the Democrats’ became a goal of the GOP after it failed to win the White House in 2012.

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    U.S. officials targeted the freewheeling online bazaar that sold drugs and other illegal goods.

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    Top Republicans openly gloat about midterm election wins

    Speaker Boehner and top operatives boast about new legislative agenda, candidate recruitment.

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    Senate Democrats rush to pass bills before losing their grip on power

    GOP leaders are also inclined to clear legislative decks of must-pass bills so they can start fresh.

    FBI agent uncovers the truth of prison brutality

    FBI agent uncovers the truth of prison brutality

    When Susan Hanson examined the claims of corrections officers regarding the brutal death of 24-year-old Alabama prison inmate Rocrast Mack, they simply didn’t add up.

    U.S. diplomat under investigation as part of counterintelligence probe

    U.S. diplomat under investigation as part of counterintelligence probe

    Robin L. Raphel, a longtime Pakistan expert, has had her security clearances withdrawn.

    7 things you didn’t read today (but should have)

    7 things you didn’t read today (but should have)

    Fish, maps and chairs

    Knob Creek angling to sponsor the Obama-McConnell bourbon summit

    Knob Creek angling to sponsor the Obama-McConnell bourbon summit

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    Learning is like sex -- and other key reasons the liberal arts remain relevant

    The problem with liberal arts is the delivery system.

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    More than one-third of spending by Giffords’s pro-gun control group went to help former aide

    If Ron Barber ends up winning reelection, he’ll owe his former boss some thanks.

    The District’s last traditional car dealership is moving

    The District’s last traditional car dealership is moving

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    Chris Christie wins cheers for Ebola quarantine of Kaci Hickox

    Chris Christie wins cheers for Ebola quarantine of Kaci Hickox

    He might have backed down, but New Jerseyans are happy.

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    Finally, our elected officials are giving Britney Spears the respect she deserves

    Go call the police, go call the Clark County Board of Commissioners

    In 2012, Democrats won the popular vote but lost the House. Not this year.

    In 2012, Democrats won the popular vote but lost the House. Not this year.

    2016 promises to be a key cycle for theories of House control.

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    German newspaper wonders if Hillary Clinton is America’s ‘last hope’

    A leftwing daily newspaper’s front page shows Hillary Clinton’s face on the 2008 Obama Hope poster.

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    The 2014 election cost $3.7 billion. We spend twice that much on Halloween.

    The 2014 election cost $3.7 billion. We spend twice that much on Halloween.

    Don’t even ask how much we spend on soda.

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    Ferguson, Mo. plans for grand jury decision

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    Republicans won 10 percent of the black vote on Tuesday. That’s actually a step in the right direction.

    Republicans won 10 percent of the black vote on Tuesday. That’s actually a step in the right direction.

    Its 11 percent share of the black vote is the biggest since 2006 but not historically high.

    How much every Senate winner won by, in 2 charts

    How much every Senate winner won by, in 2 charts

    A quick look at the numbers.

    Why did Republicans take back the Senate? It’s the map, stupid.

    Politics isn’t that complicated.

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    Voters don’t seem to view the minimum wage as a partisan, political issue

    The minimum wage is a popular progressive issue, but voters in four states who passed increases also voted for Republicans.

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    Breaking down WaPo’s authoritative look at the campaign.

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    How bad was Tuesday for Democrats? Just look at their campaign chairmen.

    All three experienced losses close to home.

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    Why Anthony Brown lost in Maryland

    THE FIX | In the Va. Senate race, it was turnout for Mark Warner. It was a different story for Brown.

    One woman’s political race in Kansas

    One woman’s political race in Kansas

    Democrat Amber Versola was “out-Republicanned” in her bid for the state legislature.


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    Legal pot’s high road

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    Voters passed a constitutional amendment that will allow lawmakers to restrict abortion rights.

    Why Mark Warner’s race turned into a nail-biter

    Why Mark Warner’s race turned into a nail-biter

    In short: Turnout and a drop in support.

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    When ‘good’ maternity leave programs can actually hurt women

    When ‘good’ maternity leave programs can actually hurt women

    A new study shows that, without the right coaching and management, well intentioned programs can negatively affect women’s careers.

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    Independents didn’t decide the midterm election

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