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Oral Fixation: Train Wreck

8:00 p.m. November 12
Texas Theatre
231 W. Jefferson Blvd. Dallas, TX

Price: $15

Hop aboard the Story Train

Hop aboard the Story Train

By Jennifer Davis-Lamm

Everyone’s got a story to tell, even if they don’t think their life is all that exciting. The story of the Thanksgiving where you left dinner early to bail your boyfriend out of jail is actually a potential legend in the making—something your kids will confide to their kids on the car trip to Grandma’s house. Everything that follows “You know, your grandmother once....” makes you more relatable, more human, and sometimes more comical to people that thought they knew you. That’s the beauty of the Oral Fixation series: taking people whose lives are ostensibly just like ours and teasing out a story that just nails the human condition—the hilarity of first dates, the reality of divorces, the commonality of big dreams and big disappointments. You’ll hear the gamut at this month’s presentation of local story tellers, who’ll all be riffing on the theme of “Train Wreck”—exposing horror stories, resilience, and humor in their true life anecdotes about honeymoons gone wrong, addictions, and unexpected journeys. Get onboard Wednesday, November 12 at 8:00 p.m. at the Texas Theatre. Tickets available for $15 at prekindle.com.

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Texas Theatre

231 W. Jefferson Blvd. Dallas, TX

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