Dallas County's Voting Website Is Down

Categories: Elections

Stephen Young
This ain't it.
If you aren't sure of where you're supposed to vote this morning, you're now battling more than just the rain. As of 10:00 a.m., dallascountyvotes.org, the county's guide to all things voting, isn't working.

We called the county to see what was going on. A worker told us the site was working, but when she closed her tab and tried to log back on, she got the same message we did. Elections experts predict that shutting down our computers, counting slowly to 10 and restarting them should fix the problem.

Update: 11:24 a.m.:It's still down. New error message though:

Stephen Young
Somebody is having a bad day.


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noblefurrtexas topcommenter

I cannot believe Jenkins and Price fired without cause the best elections administrator in the country, and put one of Price's special black friends in the job.  She's a disaster, and last night is ample proof that she is clueless about what she is doing. 

It's also a fact that the computer company Price pushed (owned by a friend of his) totally screwed this up. 

The good news is that Watkins is gone, and reinforced the old truism that you never run one of your office assistants against your county chairman when you hold office as a member of that party.


To be clear, Democrats are running this website...

RTGolden1 topcommenter

Turns out this is one of the most widely reported problems nationwide: election computer glitches.  The hanging chad of modern times.


Of course, anyone interested in voting could spend a buck and buy a Dallas Morning News which listed every voting location for each precinct in the Metro Section. But, but, but...that would be like a $1.00 poll tax, and would disenfranchise 67% of the voters in Dallas County.


Same IT department that handled Lois Lerner's computer?

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Abbott is attempting to cripple the vote in a Democratic county. 


It's clearly George W. Bush's fault.



Why in the world would that surprise you? If you have followed Dallas politics for any length of time, you would know that Wylie Price has spent the last 30 years installing his minions in positions of authority on the city and county level.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@RTGolden1 The problems were with the programming of the voting machines.  It's interesting that many of them are union members.  Give you any ideas????


@RTGolden1 I think they are talking about problems with the actual electronic voting machines, not County information sites. 



Also, "literacy tests" have been held to be voting barriers. In the Jim Crow era, would-be black voters were asked to read Latin and such, then turned away due to "illiteracy."

Newspapers (used to be) written at grade 6-8 level, I understand, so that might eliminate most DISD graduates.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz Bull crap!  Where do you get this nonsense?  First of all, you're wrong.  Second of all, Abbott is not the originator of voter IDs as a requirement for voting. 

The fault lies at the feet of Democrats who have stolen elections for decades by voting people who were not registered, and often illegal (in Texas and other border states). 

Ever heard of string voting?


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz Not quite.  See Newsdog's post below.  Dallas County Elections are run by Democrats these days.
  Maybe we should give Abbot the chair for trying, though.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter


One day, three boys were walking over a bridge when they heard a guy yelling for help.

It was President Bush. He was drowning, and the three boys rescued him.

He thanked them dearly and promised them whatever they wanted as a reward.

The first boy wanted $10,000, so Bush gave him the money.

The second boy wanted a Ferrari, so Bush gave the boy a Ferrari.

The third boy wanted a wheelchair , Bush said, "Why do you want one of those, son, you're not disabled ."

The boy replied,"I will be when my dad finds out whose life I just saved."

mavdog topcommenter


that's so 2007.

It's clearly Obama's fault.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@James080 @noblefurrtexas Yep...and don't forget his personal hiring agency, Parkland Hospital, and his road and bridge center who do stuff for him at county expense all the time. 

One can only hope he is making big rocks into little rocks in a prison before long.  He broke faith with the voters, with his own party, and even with several of his friends.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@bvckvs2 @amuse2 Republicans didn't hack the site.  The computer company Price and Poole hired screwed things up because our Elections Administrator didn't have the software tested two months ago. 

Sounds like Obama's 5 BILLION dollar website for ObamaScare.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@wcvemail @James080 Actually, literacy tests were a good idea.  First of all, you don't want others hijacking the votes of people too stupid to make up their own minds.

And, second, Thomas Jefferson supported free public schools because our democratic republic needed voters who were at least educated. 

Look at the some of the people allowed to vote today, and you can see Jefferson was correct.


Thanks for a good laugh, @Myrna.Minkoff-Katz! :)


@mavdog @James080 

It is not President Obama's fault. 

I happen to know he was on the golf course at the time the site crashed.


@noblefurrtexas @James080

Regarding JWP on trial, I never miss an opportunity here to repeat that after some research on my part, I predicted right here on UP at the time of his arrest that it would be four years before starting trial. We're at ~3.3 years now. (I researched fed investigation of politicians, and it's sadly telling that there's enough to research.)

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Actually, my heart goes out to the disabled, but not in Greg Abbott's case.  He settled for $11 million in a lawsuit after his accident, then became a zealot for tort reform.  In addition, he has been actively trying to gut the Americans with Disabilities Act (the one great thing the first Bush got through during his presidency).  Thus, no sympathy for the hypocrite Abbott.

mavdog topcommenter

@James080 @mavdog

like being on the golf course is an excuse.

all the stuff Bush did was while he was in Crawford. or Kennebunkport. or on his mountain bike.

looking back, he was a very busy guy wasn't he? all that mayhem he was supposedly responsible for and he wasn't even in DC.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@wcvemail @noblefurrtexas @James080 You called it right on the money.  And, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't either get a pardon, or Holder threw the investigation away and killed the case....ala the New Black Panthers.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@wcvemail @noblefurrtexas @James080 I don't like how the literacy tests were used to keep blacks from voted.  That's reprehensible as far as I'm concerned. 

But, I think we should have an educational litmus test that at least as some kind of floor below which you can't vote because you're a cabbage plant mentally.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @wcvemail @MaxNoDifference Outside hackers did NOT disable the county elections department computers or counting machines.  BOTH are handled by the same inept firm -  friends of Price - that screwed up the Dallas County computers. 

Accusing the GOP of hacking is just plain stupid unless you have solid proof.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @wcvemail @MaxNoDifference  "The chairperson of the Dallas County Board of Elections cannot be held responsible for outside hackers disabling the website."

Correct.  His people just read about it in the newspapers, and he is mad as hell. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz Ah yes....the Davis Talking Points.  How did she do last night?  She went down like the Titanic, something at which she has considerable experience. 

And, her seat in Ft. Worth was won by a member of the Tea Party. Special irony.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@mavdog Are you getting counseling or anything?  I think you seriously need help. 

Bush conducted serious government business at Kennebunkport and in Crawford.  Both were equipped with sophisticated communications centers, Secret Service housing, and hi-tech security equipment. 

Obama's golf cart doesn't even have a phone.



Presidents do have some really nice R & R options.

mavdog topcommenter


the most disturbing thing of your post, and there's so much bs to choose from, is apparently you are serious, you actually believe what you wrote is truth.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@NewsDog Yes sir!  Moving up in the world.  She started I think last week.  Got a couple of former Unfair parkers there, Gregg Howard writes for Deadspin now

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