Dallas' "Center for Performance Excellence" Is All About Synergy. Is it 2003 Again?

Categories: City Hall

Dallas Observer
Thinks, correctly, that he can confuse us with jargon.
So, Dallas City Manager A.C. Gonzalez is making his twice-monthly report to the City Council Wednesday afternoon. This time, he's going to be talking about something called the Dallas Center for Performance Excellence which, well, we've read the whole briefing and still have no idea what it is.

Its purpose, as presented, is to "facilitate best-in-class levels of performance across the City of Dallas organization through an integrated systems approach that achieves results," whatever the hell that means.

Before those best-in-class levels of performance can begin to be facilitated, an advisory board and a working group -- featuring Assistant City Manager Jill Jordan -- need to be convened so there can be two levels of bureaucratic icing on top of the bureaucratic cake.

Under a section titled "A Fresh Approach", Gonzalez claims the CPE will "[f]oster synergy through collaboration, rather than segmented internal efforts."

Fresh indeed.

Gonzalez is a bureaucrat. We get it, the most powerful person in city government being an unelected bureaucrat is just something that comes with the antiquated city manager system. It makes sense that he speaks a language a little bit different from the rest of us. What's bothersome is that Gonzalez's briefings were supposed to shed at least a little light into the dark corner of the world that is the city manager's office. Instead, he approaches them like a middle schooler giving a book report against his will.

We don't understand this either.


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Another opportunity for Mary Suhm to keep her parking space in the City Hall garage.

This is stupid and a waste of time. ISO, Lean Six Sigma, etc. Overload of buzzwords. They do not mean a thing in an orgnization led by a bafoon who is followed by incompetent, unethical, lying and lazy government workers. Go away, A.C. And take your lying employees with you.


Jill Jordan is in charge...what could go wrong?

RTGolden1 topcommenter

".....synergy through collaboration, rather than segmented internal efforts..."

I'm guessing, in Dallas City Hall speak, this means that various departments will duplicate efforts in order to provide contract cousins the opportunity to make more money off the whole than they could from individual departments.


They just don't get it. It's that word--REGION, right there on the first page.

holmantx topcommenter

Staff really needs to fine tune its doublespeak.  It seems to just get away from them from time to time.


You can only have best in class/center of Excellence program when you have metrics in place, visible to all including customers (taxpayers), that establish winners and losers.  Has City Hall ever published detailed department metrics with open transparency on goal setting processes, trends, commentary on deficiencies and mitigating actions taken? 

Of course not!  Consequently the program is a sham.  It is really hard to run a Best in Class process if you do not follow the standard process already certified as best in class worldwide, regardless of culture.


I wasted a good 3 minutes perusing that attachment. Is Gonzalez losing his mind?


Another eruption of the Amarillo Cab geyser of bollocks.

Does he have a random word association program? Or is there a staff member with this remarkable ability?


I'll take Kabuki Theatre for $400 Alex.....

AC Gonzalez new proposal at Dallas City Hall to appear as if he's in charge.

What is "shadow puppetry"?

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

"integrated systems approach".  That reminds me of the buzzwords game where you have three columns with ten important sounding words in numbered rows.  Make up a three-digit number and "viola", you have an impressive new phrase.


So, 738 would be "synchronized reciprocal hardware"


The diagram kind of looks like an anus, which makes sense because the whole proposal is full of shit.  


I enjoy these Soviet-era naming systems.  Just like the Dallas Citizens' Council has no interest whatsoever in the Citizens of Dallas, the Center for Performance Excellence. . . .

TheRuddSki topcommenter

If I had a horse, I'd name it "Synergy", then shoot it.

holmantx topcommenter

Oh goodie!  Assistant City Manager Jill Jordan is the one who performed the thrilling shadow puppet routine in court to get the Sam's Club in at Central and Haskell.

She should be wonderful in illustrating how the City will "foster synergy through collaboration, rather than segmented internal efforts."

I already HATE segmented internal efforts.

Sounds like menudo.



It's a government; not a for-profit business. Their primary objective is to please voters - not solicit investors and customers.  As this week's election so vividly demonstrates, voters prefer posturing over accountability.



There is a thin line between losing one's mind and being a scumbag. Look at Ruddy, a perfect example.



That was my first thought, AC's been to some high dollar seminar and has adopted the latest memes of the "House of Lies" crowd.


@TheCredibleHulk @MikeWestEast  World Class is a marketing term,  Best in Class typically identifies specific results that vary by process.  A firm/city cannot be best in class, only its individual processes.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

@James080 @TheCredibleHulk 

Sounds about right.

The hucksters have worn out their welcome in the business community and are now peddling their wares in local gov't circles.

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