Film Podcast: Interstellar Is Grand But It Doesn't Connect

Categories: Film and TV

Christopher Nolan's space epic Interstellar is a big, ambitious picture, but it didn't connect with our critics. We discuss the film at the top of this week's podcast before moving on to a few other notable entries on screens large and small this week.

- The Disney film Big Hero 6 (At 29 minutes)
- The Stephen and Jane Hawking story The Theory of Everything (At 38:30)
- Jean-Luc Godard's visually playful Goodbye to Language (At 49:45)
- The stellar, infuriating new doc on Netflix, Virunga (At 52:40)
- Margaret Brown's BP oil spill documentary The Great Invisible (At 56:25)

Your hosts are Amy Nicholson of LA Weekly, along with Alan Scherstuhl and Stephanie Zacharek of the Village Voice.


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@szacharek I totally liked Interstellar more than you did (but I'm more polite about it).

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