LA company to acquire Houston upstream partnership in $1.6 B deal

A Los Angeles partnership has agreed to acquire Houston’s QR Energy in a $1.6 billion stock deal  that the companies said Thursday will create the nation’s largest upstream-focused master limited partnership.

QR Energy and the acquiring company, Breitburn Energy Partners, valued the combined companies’ total enterprise value at $7.8 billion, with second-quarter daily production of  57,300 barrels of oil equivalent.

They valued the deal at $3 billion including QR Energy’s debt and outstanding Class C convertible preferred units.

Master limited partnerships are tax-advantaged corporate structures that typically offer regular cash payouts to investors called unit-holders.

The companies said QR Energy unit-holders will receive 0.9856 of a Breitburn unit for each unit of QR Energy they hold, which the companies valued at $22.48 per unit based on Breitburn’s  Wednesday closing price of $22.81.

QR Energy units closed Wednesday at $18.87, and rose $1.72 to $20.59 in New York Stock Exchange trading Thursday. Breitburn units fell  58 cents to $22.23 on the Nasdaq.

The companies said they expect the deal to close late this year or early in 2015, subject to approval by regulators and QR Energy unit-holders.

Breitburn senior management will run the merged companies, but plans to retain QR Energy’s engineering, operational and support personnel, according to a news release announcing the deal.

The merger will combine QR Energy’s portfolio of producing and non-producing U.S. properties with Breitburn’s assets in

Michigan, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming, California, Florida, Indiana and Kentucky.