The Global Water Policy Project promotes the preservation and sustainable use of Earth’s fresh water through research, writing, outreach, and public speaking. Founded in 1994 by Sandra Postel, a leading authority on international freshwater issues, the project fosters ideas and inspiration for redirecting society’s use and management of fresh water toward conservation and ecosystem health.

Sandra has worked on water issues for thirty years. In her flagship book, the award-winning Last Oasis, she issued a clarion call for the emergence of a water ethic. Through the GWPP and with partners, she now works to translate this ethical precept into policy and action.

Sandra’s books and numerous scholarly and popular articles on the world’s fresh water provide valuable insights into the nature of global water challenges and constructive solutions to them. In 2002 she was honored by Scientific American for promoting “sweeping changes aimed at preserving the world’s dwindling supplies of freshwater.”

In 2010, Sandra was appointed Freshwater Fellow of the National Geographic Society, where she serves as lead water expert for the Society’s freshwater efforts.  By aligning her mission through the GWPP alongside the power and reach of the National Geographic Society, she seeks to create lasting positive change in the way humanity uses, manages and values fresh water.

Under Sandra’s leadership, National Geographic and its partners are pioneering an innovative approach to freshwater conservation and restoration.  Called Change the Course, the initiative is being piloted in the iconic Colorado River Basin and to date has restored 1 billion gallons of water to depleted rivers and wetlands.  To learn more, watch Sandra’s National Geographic Live presentation or check out this website.


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