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TEA News Releases Online                                                                                                                 Aug. 20, 2014

Commissioner Williams sends charter school decisions to SBOE

AUSTIN – Commissioner of Education Michael Williams today advised members of the State Board of Education (SBOE) of his decision to grant five Generation 19 charter schools. Those approved by the Commissioner include

  • Beta Academy (Houston)
  • High Point Academy (Fort Worth)
  • Ki Charter Academy (San Marcos)
  • The Excel Center (Austin)
  • Trinity Environmental Academy (Dallas)

 “Strong charter schools provide for greater parental choice,” said Commissioner Williams. “After a careful review of the Generation 19 charter applications, applicant interview testimony, impact statements, staff recommendations and input from State Board of Education members, I am confident these five will add to the education options afforded students in Texas.”

 Under Senate Bill 2 (passed during the 83rd Texas Legislature in 2013), the Commissioner grants new open-enrollment charters in Texas and must notify the SBOE of those he approves. SBOE members can veto any new charter approved by the Commissioner.

The State Board is expected to discuss the Commissioner’s decisions and take any action – if necessary – during SBOE meetings in Austin on Sept. 17-19.

Ten Generation 19 applicants took part in the public applicant interviews on July 21-23 in Austin. Those that were seeking to operate an open-enrollment charter in Texas – but not granted approval by the Commissioner – include:

  •  Athlos Academy
  • Brentwood Stair Preparatory School
  • Foundations Charter School
  • Royal Ambassador Academy
  • SA Youth Youthbuild Academy

 Rocketship Education Texas was invited to take part in the public applicant interviews, but withdrew from consideration for a Generation 19 charter.

To learn more about open-enrollment charter schools in Texas and the application process, visit the TEA website at



Page last modified on 8/21/2014 02:06:24 PM.