No Dirty Energy

The planet has reached an energy crossroads.

The choice

Earthworks’ No Dirty Energy Campaign works to break our dependence on dirty energy while championing cleaner choices. Our future depends on:

  1. Avoiding so-called “bridge” energy sources, such as natural gas or nuclear power, that pose greater long-term risk without solving fundamental problems.
  2. Ending the “race to the bottom” for dirtier, more dangerous and harder-to-reach energy sources.
  3. Supporting sustainable solutions like solar and wind power and energy efficiency.

No Dirty Energy means adequate public oversight

Nuclear Power's Other Tragedy describes the risks of uranium
mining to communities and clean water. No Dirty Energy means
communities shouldn't have to choose between clean water and
clean energy.

Dirty energy money has polluted our politics so badly that the public interest is largely shut out of decisions about energy sources and our energy future.

We must restore common sense, precaution and the protection of public health and natural resources to our nation's energy policy.

No Dirty Energy means decisions based on sound independent science

All too often decision-makers rely on “studies” paid for by the energy industry, which has a deeply vested interest in keeping us tied to dirty energy. We work to keep the foxes from the henhouse.

No Dirty Energy initiatives

Our Oil & Gas Accountability Project works for clean energy. We fight  for public disclosure of hazardous chemicals used in drilling, tough regulations to protect public health, and strong federal oversight of the oil and gas industry.

Our uranium mining reform Initiative works to protect treasured landscapes from mining, support  impacted communities, and reform federal policy to address the threat of uranium mining.A false choice

For more information:

On Twitter

@noahbrenner @Patrick_Madden I realize that's a joke, but #oilandgas industry PR so framed in false choices that it's not funny. #fracking
"If #Denton in the heart of the #oilandgas industry can't live with #fracking, then who can?" | @ldattaro @vicenews

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