Letter: Lt. Gov. Dewhurst Welcomes Breitbart Texas

Dear Brandon,

When I heard the news that Breitbart is opening a bureau in Texas, I had just one thing to say: “It’s about time.” Rarely has a publication been better suited to the culture, economy and political climate of a particular place.

Your dogged persistence in telling the truth is a credit to Andrew Breitbart’s philosophy and a fitting tribute to his memory. Despite the waves of progressive, liberal acrimony that flow through the comment sections of your articles, you stay the course with honesty, patriotism and conservatism as your lodestar.

I applaud the courage the Breitbart team displays on a daily basis, digging for the facts and applying the time-tested techniques of investigative reporting in a media culture that is increasingly characterized by partisan sniping and liberal bias on an unprecedented scale.

As a friend and supporter of your publication, I must extend a warning to any of your staffers who might be relocating here from New York City, Washington DC or any other bastions of progressive thought.   In a word, Texas is different.

Here in Texas, they’ll find themselves surrounded by hard working people who share their love of freedom, liberty, and self-reliance. Your staffers who exercise their 2nd Amendment rights will no longer be called “gun nuts.” Members of your team will no longer have to whisper about their belief in the sanctity of life because the average Texan is pro-life. They will also have to get used to writing about economic successes, because Texas is the nation’s top economy.

Thanks to years of fiscally conservative governance and a work ethic that is deeply ingrained in Texas culture, we are benefiting from an economy that is number one in every relevant category, ranging from job creation to exports. In fact, the Houston area passed New York City as America’s top exporting market just last year and Texas as a whole surpassed California as the top high-tech exporting state in the nation just last week. So, don’t expect a lot of handwringing about the economy from the average Texan.

I suspect Texans already represent a strong segment of your readership and I hope it gets even stronger as a result of Breitbart’s vote of confidence in our state and your leadership. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can ever be of help as your team acclimates itself to Texas. In fact, I’d be honored to host your bureau team at Red’s Shooting Range in Southwest Austin or the Houston Gun Club for a little shooting practice to accelerate that adjustment process.

Best wishes and welcome to Texas,

David Dewhurst, Lieutenant Governor 


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