Oil & Gas Production Data Query
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General Production Query  Specific Lease Query 

Production Data

To find production data, there are two types of searches that you can do.

  • General Production Query
    Use the General Production Query to find oil and gas production information that covers a wide scope or is more extensive. You can drill down to whatever specific information you need from the general queries. For example, if you are looking for production information for a geographic area of Texas for a given year, or a span of years, the general query is a better fit.

  • Specific Lease Query
    If you are searching for information about a particular lease and you have the lease number and the district number, use the Specific Lease Query page. If you don't have the number, but you know the name begins with ADCO, for example, you can search for Lease Names.

Caution: Using the browser's Back button causes inconsistent query results. Use the Query Path links provided in your resulting data to navigate.


Production Data reflects reports processed through:    October 21, 2014

Currently Loaded Production Data:    January 1993 - August 2014

Production volumes and dispositions for January 2005 production and any reports filed after February 11, 2005 may include separation/extraction loss and disposition code conversions by Railroad Commission staff to conform with formats used prior to implementation of the new PR form. To view actual reported production data, go to Production Reports.
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