Studio Sessions

Field Report On World Cafe


Field Report's Christopher Porterfield. i i

Field Report's Christopher Porterfield. Brittany Salerno/XPN hide caption

itoggle caption Brittany Salerno/XPN
Field Report's Christopher Porterfield.

Field Report's Christopher Porterfield.

Brittany Salerno/XPN

World Cafe's guest today is the Milwaukee band Field Report, named for an anagram of bandleader Chris Porterfield's last name. Before forming Field Report, Porterfield played with fellow Wisconsinite Justin Vernon — who now leads Bon Iver — in the band DeYarmond Edison. Porterfield opted to stay in Milwaukee when the rest of that group relocated to North Carolina.

At that point, Porterfield dedicated himself to crafting his own subtle, powerful songs. In this session, Field Report performs songs from its new album, Marigolden, on the World Cafe Live stage, and talks with host David Dye.



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