As fracking moves in Alpine may be first in Texas to ban

by TXsharon on July 17, 2014

in Big Bend Area

Residents in the Big Bend area are sending out an SOS.

Fracking has been slithering ever closer to the Big Bend area and residents in Alpine and Marfa are not happy about it. Last week I received emails from a Marfa resident saying they were staging blockades to prevent the city from selling water for fracking. Residents of Alpine delivered an ordinance to ban fracking and are now gathering signatures. So many residents shows up to speak out against fracking, the city council meeting had to move to another venue.

Alpine Residents Overwhelmingly Against Fracking, Speak Out

City leaders had to change venues for Tuesday’s city council meeting because of the huge turnout. Residents who spoke up said they wanted to make sure that this was kept the last frontier against these oil companies, and that leaders must set the example and move forward because according to one member of the public, “once things are poisoned they can’t go back.”

And fracking is already starting to have a negative effect on the McDonald Observatory’s dark sky. Some things are just to precious to even consider it. No fracking Big Bend area.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Tim Ruggiero July 18, 2014 at 4:18 pm

The residents of Alpine have an opportunity to ban fracking before it begins. I hope for their sake they are paying attention to what’s been going on elsewhere, and the battles that will ensue if they don’t.


meamous July 18, 2014 at 6:14 pm

Alpine/Marfa are wonderful places–been there several times for visits. NO O&G–how wonderful. Folks, do what ever you can to keep that drilling and processing stuff away from your wonderful place.


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