EXCLUSIVE: CPS Complaint Filed Against Texas Judge Over Daughter and Potential Ebola Exposure

DALLAS, Texas -- Breitbart Texas has learned a complaint was filed with Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, also known as CPS. The complaint was filed on Sunday morning by a concerned Dallas citizen who had read about Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins going into the apartment where Ebola patient, Thomas Eric Duncan, lived while he was sick. Jenkins was in the apartment with four people who had been directly exposed by Duncan to the Ebola virus. Jenkins said, in a subsequent press conference that he was going home to his wife and nine-year-old daughter after he discussed being in the apartment again and driving the exposed family to their new home -- a forty-five minute drive. At no point did Jenkins appear to wear any protective clothing.

The concerned citizen reached out to Breitbart Texas in a phone interview and provided information about his complaint to CPS. He told Brietbart Texas he wanted to remain anonymous because he is a business owner and is concerned about retaliation. The concerned citizen said he felt Jenkins’ conduct was inappropriate when he unnecessarily exposed his child to potential danger. “I am doing this because I am concerned about the child,” the complainant said, “and I am concerned for the children in her school who might become exposed if the virus were to spread.”

“There seems to be a lot of dispute about how the disease is transmitted,” he continued. “I was very concerned that he would take this unnecessary risk with his own daughter for what appears to be his own political purposes.”

CBSNews reported today that "an infectious disease expert at the National Institutes of Health says it is 'absolutely' possible that one of Duncan's contacts will get sick in the coming days"

"I would not be surprised if one of the people who came into direct contact with Mr. Duncan when he was ill will get Ebola. You can't say. You can't put a number on it. It's impossible to do that. But there certainly is a risk," Dr. Anthony Fauci who heads up the Allergy and Infectious Diseases Institutes at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), said on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday.

Breitbart Texas previously reported that Jenkins had been seen several times entering the apartment, where Duncan lived and had been ill for at least two days, on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday night Jenkins shocked the Dallas press corps when he and two women were seen entering the quarantined apartment while not wearing any protective clothing. Hazmat experts entered the apartment on Friday wearing Tyvek hazmat protective suits. Late Friday afternoon, Jenkins was seen entering the apartment again and on the front balcony with several of the exposed minors who were in close proximity to Jenkins.

Breitbart Texas legal analyst Lana Shadwick, who also previously served the State of Texas as an associate family court judge and a CPS attorney said these types of reports are treated confidentially by CPS. “Both the report and the reportee are kept confidential and are not subject to open record act requests,” Shadwick said. “If the report is made in good faith, the reportee is also immune from any civil and criminal action.”

“Even suspicions of abuse or neglectful behavior are protected,” Shadwick continued. “Texas Family Code 161.001(1) (D) and (E) cover endangering conduct of a parent that can lead to possible termination of their parental rights.”

“I am very concerned that Clay Jenkins may have exposed his daughter to the deadly Ebola virus,” the complainant said in an email where he provided screenshots of his complaint filing. “The media reported that, after he went into the apartment and drove them around, he went home in the same shirt and exposed his daughter to this deadly virus.”

Duncan remains in critical condition at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.

Bob Price is a staff writer and a member of the original Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX. 


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