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Tony Tinderholt Might Be Texas’ Most Far-Right Candidate. Can He Win?

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Mr. and Mrs. Tony Tinderholt
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Tinderholt

Here’s a hypothetical on a lot of people’s minds during election season: Exactly how fringe, how whacked-out, how seemingly unbalanced does a Republican candidate in Texas have to be to risk losing a GOP-leaning district to a presentable, modest Democrat? A lot of Dems, aghast at how far right the state GOP has moved, go into their campaigns thinking they’re going to come out on the fortunate side of that divide. But they’re usually disappointed.

But after Nov. 4, there’s a small chance that we might be able to call that fulcrum the “Tinderholt point.” Up in Arlington’s House District 94, a conservative activist named Tony Tinderholt is helping us put the proposition to the test once again. The district is currently represented by Diane Patrick, a moderate-ish GOPer who earned the ire of conservative purity groups like Empower Texans before losing her primary to Tinderholt, a virtually unknown conservative activist.

His Democratic opponent in the general election is a fellow named Cole Ballweg, a friendly guy who exemplifies the kind of moderate Democrat who runs in Texas suburbs these days. He emphasizes his history as a small business owner, preaches moderation on guns, health care, abortion, and other issues, and wants to help make “smart investments” in Texas’ future.

House District 94 is pretty conservative—Diane Patrick was mostly unopposed through her four-term tenure, and in 2012 Barack Obama won only 38 percent of the district’s votes—so normally this would be pretty easy. The guy with the ‘R’ next to his name wins, and it barely matters what the Democrat says. Except: Tinderholt might be the weirdest GOP state House candidate this cycle. He’s one of the most off-the-rails politicians you’ll find in the country right now. He’s the closest Texas voters are going to get to achieving their long-held dream of electing a gun.

In September, a video of Tinderholt addressing a 9/12 group in the Metroplex emerged. It featured a lengthy, hallucinogenic screed from Tinderholt about this summer’s border crisis, in which Tinderholt, seeming to channel Travis Bickle, wandered in and out of lucidity as he prophesied that “people were going to die” on the border and that’s “the only thing that’s going to stop the invasion of our country.” He called for sending American troops into Mexico to stop border-crossers.

He told the crowd: “Our border will be secure when we arm it and stop the people from coming across.” The whole speech, including a disturbing section in which Tinderholt mentions the “disgusting” and “gross” things the “cute children” coming across the border are going to be forced to do, lasts some 20 minutes, and it never really gets any better.

It was the first of many pieces of Tinderholt-related weirdness to come down the pipeline. Recently, Ballweg’s campaign released more footage of the GOP candidate addressing members of Open Carry Tarrant County, the fringe gun group that has been terrifying random groups of people around Fort Worth and has been repudiated by both its ostensible parent group, Open Carry Texas, and the NRA.

Before an Open Carry Tarrant County demonstration, Tinderholt speaks to the group, promising that his election to the House will get them what they want and warning them about police interference. “I will author legislation that’s what you want, that’s what you want passed,” Tinderholt says. “If they act foolish, smile and come find Kory [Watkins, Tinderholt's friend and an Open Carry activist]. If I’m not here, he’ll call me.” In another video, an open carry protester tells another about the hopeful state rep: “This guy’s got our back 100 percent,” he says. “Tony Tinderholt has said, if the police ever harass you, call me immediately.”

After another demonstration, Tinderholt again urges protesters not to get too riled, because “Konni Burton, myself and a whole bunch of other people in the Senate and in the House plan on offering open carry legislation,” Tinderholt says, “that is gonna do away with restrictions like in hospitals and churches, all these places that are just like military bases,” presumably in that they currently ban personal firearms.

Tinderholt remains the probable victor, and he’s been personally backed by figures like Ted Cruz and Dan Patrick. But there’s been backlash against Tinderholt in the last couple of months. Ballweg has been endorsed by a number of Republicans, including two Arlington City Council members that Tinderholt has fought with in the past, and Dr. Ned Patrick, Diane Patrick’s husband. The Arlington police and firefighters associations have endorsed Ballweg, along with the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas, which predominantly endorses Republicans. Ballweg’s campaign has publicized an internal poll that puts him two points behind Tinderholt.

In a strongly-worded editorial—headline: “Invading Mexico is Not a Good Plan”—the Fort Worth Star-Telegram endorsed Ballweg and urged Arlington voters to reject Tony Tinderholt’s views, for what it’s worth. Though it acknowledged that the Republican was favored to take the district, “just as it has for at least three decades,” the paper’s editorial board expressed a small glimmer of hope that he wouldn’t. “Maybe not this year—or at least, it shouldn’t.”

One potentially discouraging sign for Democrats is that no one really seems to be investing in the race right now. Ballweg only has about $12,000 in the bank as of late September—and Tinderholt only has $5,000. But who knows, maybe the “moderate Republicans” people talk so much about will finally make themselves manifest. Can you be this nutty and win? Let’s see.

Christopher Hooks joined the Observer in 2014. Previously, he was a freelance journalist in Austin, where he grew up. His work has appeared in Politico Magazine, Slate, and Texas Monthly, among others. He graduated from The New School in 2012 with a bachelor's degree in history.

  • cresciteundo

    The problem with District 94 is that if the voters think that the Rep isn’t properly attentive—the voters throw him/her out. Ken Grusendorf, for example, was a reasonable rep but he didn’t see Diane Patrick overtake him by getting around the district more . Patrick is an educator ( a liability this year in anti-Obama anti union land) who became somewhat remote in the past few years when she should have been paying more attention. Tinderholt has a few “resume problems” I understand, and this “open carry” stuff is nuts. He is fairly extreme. I have seen otherwise uninvolved neighbors with Ballweg signs in their yards–this year. This will be a more competitive race than people think, especially if Tinderholt teams up with fellow extremist Konni Burton…

    • kelly canon

      To call Tony Tinderholt and Konni Burton “extremists” for upholding the 2nd amendment (and all of the other bill of RIGHTS, like the right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS), supporting the sanctity of LIFE, protecting AMERICANS from the current border INVASION, SECURING the border, removing the “magnets” that draw illegal aliens to our state, lowering property taxes, supporting free-markets, lowering franchise tax, supporting voter ID laws and upholding election integrity… if all of THAT is “extreme”?? Call me EXTREME, too! GOD BLESS TEXAS! If you want a more liberal environment, move to DETROIT. I hear they’re hurtin’ for more citizens who are against all of what I just listed! Good luck, and don’t let the door hit ya!

      • cresciteundo

        See–there you go again… screaming at folks with capital letters–not impressed, sorry.

      • DavidD

        Are you one of those out of state RV driving Yankees who live part time down here to avoid paying taxes and now want to run everything?
        Get the hell over to the slow lane carpetbagger and turn your damm left blinker signal off..

        • kelly canon

          Me? A carpetbagger? Hardly. I’m an 8th generation TEXAN. Yeah, I “yelled” that. LOL!

    • bigcatdaddy76016

      Please allow me to continue cresciteundo…..Kent Grusendorf and Tinderholt are good friends. Grusendorf sees an opportunity to continue to demolish our school system through Tinderholt. Grusendorf was VOTED OUT by district 94 people who have watched Grusendorf remove funding for our students and demolish any chance of giving our children a gainful education, it’s his life’s work to destroy it…He managed to get appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Education, and while sitting on this throne he single handedly tore it to shreds…..many teachers have resorted to paying for items out of their own pockets to help our children get a good education…….I know this first hand because I have willfully given my wife money to help purchase many items during Grusendorfs tenure……Grusendorf and TInderholt hand in hand…NOT A GOOD IDEA!
      Name ONE THING Grusendorf did for the good of our school system…..You CAN’T DO IT!

  • JimNtexas

    I’m old, and am a right wing wacko crazy tea party kind of guy, at least when it comes to economic and national security issues.

    I can remember the times when I’ve voted for moderate Democrats like Mr. Ballweg, the best example being my vote for Ann Richards over that idiot Aggie she ran against.

    Sadly, there is no longer such a thing as a ‘moderate Democrat’. If elected Mr Ballwegwill be forced to tow the hard left Obama line on every issue. His leash will be loosened a little in the two months before election day, and then he’ll be jerked back into full support of gun control, open borders, ‘anyone can vote anywhere any number of times’, appeasement of Islamic radicals, higher taxes, and most of all, an ever-growing and more powerful federal government.

    It’s not his own fault, but I don’t see any evidence that such a thing as a ‘moderate Democrat’ is allowed to exist in the Obama-Hillary-Warren party these days.

    • cresciteundo

      Mr. Tinderholt has been unemployed most of this year and reportedly was forced to admit that he was medically discharged from the Armed Forces. Now if the man wants to play up his Catholic church membership even after 4 or five divorces–I really can’t hold that against him, because I am happy that he wants to practice his religion and none of us are perfect. But this commitment to “open carry” legislation is a farce. I need a district rep to help hold things together here-not go on a crusade for flakey social causes..Ballweg will be voted out fast enough if he doesn’t toe the line on taxes etc. Tinderholt is well… “fishy” to put it mildly.

      • kelly canon

        When was the last time you actually sat down and had a one on one chat with Mr. Tinderholt? I’m guessing NEVER. You should try it. I have his phone number. Want it?

    • Bandara Carlos

      I felted same way until I look to funding of Republican
      Party and Tea Party. After many Hours of digging I concluded that, Many of Our Republicans
      elected officials sold out to corporation billionaires like Koch Brothers. Koch
      Brothers financed Tea Party and other so called non-profit corporations. Koch
      Brothers and many other like minded Billionaires HAVE connections to John Birch
      Society ideas, extremist groups.

      • cynthia curran

        This is true.

  • DavidD

    When i worked at Rusk if a patient shaved his eyebrows you had better watch out.Someone needs to throw a net over this guy.

    • cresciteundo

      I feel badly about it, but I get bad vibes too…

      • DavidD

        The trouble with obvious nut jobs like this guy is that they are too crazy to know that they went over the line to mostly delusional a long time ago.
        Do people care so little about politics now that this obvious lunatic has got the backing of the local GOP?
        I know that politics are really a dog and pony show paid for by the elite but this guy is not just an empty suit to be bought off but a pathologically driven individual who is going to wake up some morning and feel like flinging poo either verbal or real at the office or chamber some morning.
        How did we go from Sam Rayburn,Barbara Jordan ,Jack Brooks or Wright Patman to this guy?

    • Bandara Carlos

      But of course

  • Don Klick

    Tony will support the Abbott/ Patrick plan to create more jobs and growth for Texans. Unemployment drops to 4.9% in Fort Worth. Where is the job growth in the democrat run states?

    • DavidD

      Name a democratic state that has a big a rig count as Texas and I’ll show you.The GOP dominates the South, the poorest region in the country.The county that votes the most % GOP is in Eastern Kentucky and has one of the highest poverty rates in the country.

      • Don Klick Table E shows the states in the south are growing more jobs than the states in the North East.

        • DavidD

          Texas is booming because of the oil and gas business..It has boomed under Democrats and will bust eventually like it always does.The GOP here and through out the South will trade short term advantage for themselves for long term consequences for the rest of us.Those low paying jobs and that’s what most of them are will disappear and our land will be degraded and toxic while they walk away.from the mess..
          What is the rig count in New Hampshire?

      • cynthia curran

        Well, Texas whites are not the poorest in fact they have a lower poverty rate than whites in California or New York. In Texas most of the poor are latino

  • kelly canon

    WOW… that video Mr Hooks included in the article? That’s MY video. I took it, and Mr Hooks NEVER asked my permission. The original video was set to PRIVATE, and Mr Hooks, grabbed (STOLE) a 42 second snippet of a FOUR MINUTE VIDEO! Typical LIBERAL TACTIC! They take a 42 second snippet, and spin the rest! PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This article is a DESPERATE attempt to smear a GOOD and RESPECTABLE Republican and COMBAT VETERAN! I think I might have a lawsuit on my hands… And I would most definitely WIN.

    • Forrest Wilder

      The video is posted on a public YouTube channel. It was not “grabbed” or “stole” by Chris Hooks or the Observer.

      –Forrest Wilder, Associate Editor

      • kelly canon

        The ORIGINAL 4-minute video that this posted video was clipped from, was set to private, smartass. The “clipped” video used in this article has been reported to youtube. Thanks for playing.

  • kelly canon

    The ORIGINAL 4-minute video that this posted video was clipped from, was
    set to private, and I have reported the “clipped” video used in this article to youtube. Thanks for playing.

  • Valno

    I am proud of a man who stands up for the constitutional rights of all Texans. I have seen some knew jerk reactions to problems before. The answer to the ills of society is not to strip law abiding citizens of their rights, it is to punish law breakers for their crimes.

    More and more society is filled with those who would tear up the constitution and our laws in order to force others to disarm, an act which does not actually make anyone more safe, instead it just infringes on the rights of legal law abiding people.

    Enough with the over reaction, the pressure to stop the abuse is mounting because liberals keep making society less safe by making society defenseless against thugs and violent men.

    Concealed carry was supposed to make Texas less safe, instead Concealed carry is making Texas more safe, now the same alarmists are saying that Open Carry will make Texas less safe, well history shows that an armed society is safer than an unarmed society.

    God’s Speed Tony Tinderholt

    • Robert Harris

      If Carrying a fire arm Via Concealed carry is making Texas safer, then wouldn’t Constitutional Carry make it even safer? Of course it would! Is isn’t those peaces of paper in peoples pockets making society safer, it is the right to self defense that makes people safer.

  • Robert Harris

    Thanks for including me in your story! I am the Libertarian candidate and I’m doing quite well in District 94.Go ahead tell people in the state the only choices are one party that increases tax’s and the other party that increases regulations. The truth is people have a third choice in District 94 this year. Smaller Government and more freedom is that choice. You cant have one without the other! Best, Robert Harris District 94 Candidate Texas House of Representatives

  • DrJedi001

    Texas doesn’t have Open Carry? Arizona and Vermont do, what’s Texas’ problem?