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Greg Abbott: Dildos? Against ’em. Interracial Marriage? No Comment.

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Attorney General Greg Abbott
Patrick Michels
Attorney General Greg Abbott soaks up the applause after announcing he's running for governor.

If you’re a politician who has taken a public position against gay marriage, as Greg Abbott has, there’s a tricky thing you have to do to keep your position cogent. You need an argument for a same-sex marriage ban that doesn’t contradict or aim to invalidate the Supreme Court’s 1967 decision in Loving v. Virginia, which struck prohibitions against interracial marriage, including in Texas, and established marriage as one of the core, basic rights enshrined in the Constitution.

That’s proven tough for many anti-gay marriage politicians. When the Supreme Court declined to consider lower court rulings earlier this month, effectively making same-sex marriage legal in a number of states, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who used to argue cases before the high court and so should know better, released a statement asserting that “marriage is a question for the States.”

Yet in Loving, Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote in the court’s unanimous opinion that marriage is one of the “basic civil rights of man,” and that the “freedom to marry … cannot be infringed by the State.” When the GOP candidate for attorney general in Wisconsin responded to a question about Loving by saying that he would have defended a ban on interracial marriage in court, too, he was at least being consistent.

When Abbott met with the San Antonio Express-News editorial board recently, reporter Peggy Fikac asked him about Loving. He had defended the state’s gay marriage ban in court recently—would he have defended a ban on interracial marriage? Abbott took a different tack:

“Right now, if there was a ban on interracial marriage, that’s already been ruled unconstitutional,” Abbott pointed out. “And all I can do is deal with the issues that are before me … The job of an attorney general is to represent and defend in court the laws of their client, which is the state Legislature, unless and until a court strikes it down.”

When I said I wasn’t clear if he was saying he would have defended a ban on interracial marriage, he said, “Actually, the reason why you’re uncertain about it is because I didn’t answer the question. And I can’t go back and answer some hypothetical question like that.”

Some hypotheticals are difficult to answer. What if the South had won the Civil War? Is it nobler for a Danish prince to suffer the slings of outrageous fortune or take arms against them? How many roads must a man walk down? This one shouldn’t be particularly difficult. It’s especially odd because Abbott is himself married to a Hispanic woman—though the anti-miscegenation laws struck by Loving were particularly targeted to black-white relationships.

But perhaps Abbott was wise to have dodged the question, because he likely would have defended a ban on interracial marriage, according to his own principles and record. He wouldn’t have known how not to. Abbott hasn’t shown a whole lot of independent spirit during his tenure as AG—he’s bound, he says, to defend whatever the Legislature vomits up:

“Believe me, I would love it,” he added, “The state would look a whole lot more like me right now if I did abandon my role and exercised my magic wand and decided what cases I would defend and which I didn’t, and therefore allowed me to dictate policy in this state.

“But I think that by doing what I do, I am maintaining the policy that I think is appropriate, and that is for each elected official to fulfill their constitutional obligations,” he said.

But while the Attorney General may have to mount some kind of defense of the state, he has “a tremendous amount of discretion” over how aggressively to prosecute those cases, how “effectively” to prosecute cases, and which cases to bring to court. Abbott has been using his stint as AG to campaign for governor for years—he’s brought failed case after failed case against the federal government, costing Texas taxpayers millions. But his hands are tied when it comes to gay marriage and school finance, he insists. He has to aggressively defend bad laws to the last.

Abbott’s tenure has included a number of instances in which he pursued comically bizarre legal arguments in cases for which he could have no reasonable hope of victory—seemingly forfeiting his powers of discretion. In 2008, Abbott chose to defend the state’s ban on the sale of sex toys, a case that emerged from the fallout of Lawrence v. Texas. Over the years, Abbott has deployed novel legal arguments against gay marriage. But this wasn’t a case about gay marriage, a subject that still animates sincere moral disagreements. This was a case about every American’s god-given right to buy dildos.

At the time, anti-sex toy laws were widely understood to be unconstitutional, but Abbott suited up for battle. The state, his lieutenants argued with straight faces before the 5th Circuit, had an interest in “discouraging prurient interests in autonomous sex and the pursuit of sexual gratification unrelated to procreation.” The state of Texas has a pressing interest, Abbott said, in discouraging you from masturbating or blowing your boyfriend. That was just six years ago.

As The Dallas Morning News notes, several past attorneys general, including Abbott’s predecessor John Cornyn, have refused to take part in cases when they felt they’d be in the wrong. But it seems there’s no law so bad Abbott won’t defend it.

Here’s the thing: We’re just two weeks away from Election Day, and we still don’t know much about what kind of governor Greg Abbott would be. Apart from the fishing ads and vague policy proposals, and even given his lengthy record as attorney general, we don’t necessarily know much about what drives him, or his leadership style.

Next session, if the GOP sweeps important races, Abbott will face a divided Legislature, with House Speaker Joe Straus and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick representing very different policy preferences and styles. Which will Abbott rely more on? How forceful will he be in asserting his own will over the Legislature? Perry used his longevity to turn a relatively weak office into a powerful one: Under Abbott, would the position revert to its former status, or would Abbott seize Perry’s reins?

From time to time, we get little glimpses of Abbott and how he thinks about government. At the second debate, we caught one when Abbott, flustered, said he wouldn’t prevent the Legislature from repealing the Texas DREAM Act. Miscegenation-gate is another interesting episode. Abbott seems more like a follower than a leader, which isn’t a very good sign when you consider the forceful personalities he’ll be clashing with next year.

Christopher Hooks joined the Observer in 2014. Previously, he was a freelance journalist in Austin, where he grew up. His work has appeared in Politico Magazine, Slate, and Texas Monthly, among others. He graduated from The New School in 2012 with a bachelor's degree in history.

  • Reality_Calling

    Utterly ignorant article, or purposefully deceitful. You either don’t understand or are purposefully misrepresenting the decision in Loving v. Virginia, because that EXACT same court, and those EXACT same justices made clear that Loving DOES NOT APPLY to gays trying to change the definition of what marriage is in the first place, when the court refused ON THE MERITS to hear an appeal in Baker v Nelson, wherein two men cited Loving in their appeal. Meaning that the court REJECTED their claim that Loving applied to same-sex couples. It did not, and does not.

    • Christopher Hooks

      Baker v Nelson was decided in 1972. I’m sure you’re aware that Loving v. Virginia has been cited in a number of recent federal court decisions finding the right to same-sex marriage, including Utah’s Kitchen v. Herbert, Virginia’s Bostic v. Rainey, and Arkansas’ Wright v. Arkansas—as well as Perry v. Schwarzenegger, the California case that overturned Proposition 8.

      Earlier this month, as I’m sure you know, the Supreme Court declined to hear appeals for these cases and several more that cite Loving, tacitly agreeing with the lower courts’ reasoning.

      Thanks for reading.

      • Rob Guitanguran

        Yeah. Dred Scott. “Separate But Equal”, Incorporation Doctrine. Yeah, those Men In Black have a great track record, eh? Fallible human beings, they are.

      • Orwellian_Dilemma

        So what’s your temperature on polygamy or incestuous marriage since you’ve taken the position that any opposition to any form of marriage is exactly like racism?

        • 1bimbo

          you want to know what we’re really dealing with? looney liberals have no qualms about polygamy and pederasty… and they’re warming up to incest too.. homosexuality advocacy is their gateway drug

          “….After Zepps pointed to Elijah and Milo Peters, two Czech-born brothers who have performed in gay adult scenes with each other, Bering noted, “The fact that they’re violating this… taboo notion of your brother or your sister being completely off-limits from a sexual perspective, I think, attracts… a large contingency of the viewing public.”

          He added, “It’s a carnival-esque affair, but it’s actual sexual arousing to us because it probably taps into something, whether we want to admit it or not, deeply unconscious about the possible patterns of attraction to… our relatives.”

  • MikeO

    He wanted to check with His HISPANIC wife before he responded on the interracial marriage thing ;P
    Nice to see the Wendy’s last minute campaign tactics- including those though the media- are giving the mentally-challenged some employment, however.

    • Dr. Matt

      Wendy Davis is trying to keep the mentally-challenged Abbott and his staff out of the governor’s mansion.

      • SandyLester

        Davis the good digger, liar about her life talking about dildos, and you think Abbott is challenged. I think you are the one challenged.

        • Dr. Matt

          Are you pretending to be retarded?

          • SandyLester

            Davis lied about “single motherhood”
            Davis married a rich guy who paid for her education, then the day she got her diploma she filed for divorce
            She lost custody of both her children, her ex husband received dusty of their child and his step child. Reason drug alcohol issues
            Davis only claim to fame is aborting viable babies and dildos
            And you think Abbott is challenged
            You as a supporter of hers is brain dead

  • Lee Lee

    Wendy is getting desperate.

    • des111168

      Not as desperate as the Texas Observer is for eyeballs. This stuff borders on TMZ clickbait adwhore territory.

      • Chris Bray

        Borders on?

    • mary kile

      Has her dildo spoken? We need a hashtag #Wendy’s dildo

      • nononsense57

        Yes. Apparently it goes by the moniker “press secretary.”

      • Kyle Bradelle

        I thought that was her ex-husband.

      • 1bimbo

        ‘i had to say something. petkanas is a poor substitute for harry reed.’ #wendysdildo


    Abbott’s last argument against same sex marriage was not the innovative.. In fact, it was almost word for word the Catholic doctrine in the Baltimore Catechism.

  • Teto85

    Greg Abbott has something against dildos; presumably his anus.

    • nononsense57

      What’s your problem with that?

      • Teto85

        I have no problem with Mr. Abbott having dildos against his anus. Are they legal now in Texas? IIRC six was the maximum allowed and any that looked “realistic” could not “vibrate” or be otherwise motorised and any that “vibrated” or were motorised could not look “realistic.”

        • nononsense57

          You mentioned it,,why did you mention it?

          • 1bimbo

            not likely.. that kind of vile democrat lives in a deep blue state

    • Abort Democrats

      Very classy. You Democrats know how to debate without resorting to personal attacks.

  • mary kile

    OMG, this is pathetic. I can’t believe that someone with a bit of intelligence decided to make an issue on freakin’ dildos. Really???? I have always been offended by blonde jokes, but in this case, Wendy Davis has proven that there is such a thing as being “too blonde.” And it makes me mad because all her issues have been non-issues –interracial marriages, REALLY?? another non-issue since they are legal…unless she doesn’t know…Crap, she makes women as candidates look stupid. Do us a favor, Wendy, shut up!

  • gekkobear

    Clearly, having married a woman of Mexican descent; he is racist against anyone who isn’t ,a white European, hates his own marriage, and wishes it done with.

    But since she didn’t pay for his college; he can’t just dump her with his kids and flee to pursue his dreams while ignoring his promises to love, honor, and cherish her.

    But good luck. After mocking the handicapped guy, mocking his interracial marriage as well is sure to gin up some votes.

    I’m sure you’ll easily be within 40 percent of the winning total after the results have been tallied.

    At least you’ve got a position on the all-important topic of … dildos.

    Which is rational given that’s what you seem to be acting like.

    • ghhshirley

      Wendy Davis pointing out Abbott’s Record on Disabilities is NOT mocking pple w disabilities.

      • gekkobear

        I’m wondering, after 2012 and Todd Akin being blamed on every GOP candidate.

        OD we know everything we could about Senator Mark Udall’s positions on dildos?

        I think we should ask questions, and then ask more questions.

        Clearly dildos are the most important electoral question we could ask this cycle of any and every Democrat running for office.

        What is your position on dildos?

      • nononsense57

        What do dildos have to do with interracial marriage and the disabled? And do you really think this is a winning campaign issue?

        Lower than sleaze,,that’s where Davis has gone.

  • Henry Myers

    What type of dildo does Wendy Davis think people should buy? Christmas is coming and I’ve got gifts to buy…

  • nononsense57

    Abbott’s wife is Hispanic. The Davis campaign has gone lower than sleazy. I hope the Dems keep pouring money into their dilldo queen’s campaign.

    • RoB

      His wife is Hispanic and he is unwilling to say that he would defend their right to be married? Who is the sleaze exactly?

      • Chris Bray

        He is unwilling to say that he would defend their right to be married because the Supreme Court buried the issue several decades ago. It’s like demanding that he take a position over the Eisenhower administration’s proposal to build an interstate highway system — a dead issue from the distant past. It’s a silly question about nothing, designed precisely to serve as a “gotcha.” It’s a meaningless thing to ask about a meaningless issue. No one has proposed to ban interracial marriage. No one. Do you demand that Greg Abbott immediately make known his position on prohibition and women’s suffrage? Those are about as fresh and meaningful in 2014.

        • 1bimbo

          spot on!!

        • ghhshirley

          Actually, I would be interested to hear his positions on prohibition and women’s suffrage.

          • 1bimbo

            because members of the jack@ss party are lost

          • TXranger55

            I’m sure you would Shirley.

      • gekkobear

        He also refused to answer when asked for the specific date and time when he quit beating his wife.

        And he wouldn’t make any decisions on declaring Unicorns an endangered species (should they hypothetically exist).

        Terrible, it’s like he doesn’t want to answer idiot hypotheticals OR gotcha questions.

        We need a Governor who will focus on the critical issues of imaginary hypotheticals, gotcha questions, and of course… dildos.

        Nothing else matters for Texas.

        Texas is all abortions, dildos, and hypothetical situations, right?

      • des111168

        Posters at Texas Observer and their variants of “Tell us, Abbot, when you stopped beating your wife?”

    • dhoobler76

      I hope that Wendy Davis runs for president, after she loses the race for governor.

  • nononsense57

    WE know what kind of gov Davis would be,,,discussing dildos and demanding late term abortions and mocking crippled people and bowing to whomever signs the biggest check. She needs to go back to Rhode Island!

  • Rob Guitanguran

    Even under the best of circumstances Ms. Davis is no match Mr. Abbot. Putting the word “dildo” on a press release is evidence of that. His wife is of Mexican descent. Come on, people! Under the best of circumstances she is not qualified for chief executive of Texas.

  • nononsense57

    Dems for Dildos….unite! Davis has your back, err,,well,, you know what I mean.

  • nononsense57

    I’m waiting for Sandra Fluke to show up with her little virginal group and their posters chanting “Dildos!” “Dildos!” “Dildos!”

    After all, that is certainly such an important issue.

  • nononsense57

    Cool thing is,,years from now,,when Davis tries to ‘run’ (ahem) for any office again,,all these sleazy tactics will be brought front and center!

    Keep it up Wendy!

  • Chris Bray

    A stupid question about a non-issue, and a loser to answer. We’re deep into the pathetic desperation phase, here,

    • Stephen K

      The apparent strategy of the Davis campaign and its media lackeys for the final two weeks is to come up with as many variations as possible of the “When did you stop beating your wife?” question and hurling them at Abbott one after another.

      • Chris Bray

        Yes, yes, yes. Absolutely what they’re doing. And it’s so laughably obvious.

  • nononsense57

    Dems think dildos are such an important issue. Where does Obama stand on dildos? Biden,,where does he stand on dildos?

    Come on Dems, if it’s important surely you know where you heroes stand on the issue!

    Sad thing is,,Davis and her followers should be COMPLETELY EMBARRASSED.

    Not happening.

  • nononsense57

    As someone tweeted earlier. “The Davis campaign appears to not be happy just to lose. They want to go down in flames!”

    No kidding.

  • nononsense57

    Davis polling at, what is it now,,36%? Appears her campaign and followers want to take that number even lower. Notice a pattern here? These people cannot get low enough.

    They think a catheter and pink tennies qualifies someone to be governor.

    • prado4587

      She should have no political experience like Bush had

      • 1bimbo

        ding!ding!ding! we have a winner.. tonight’s ‘bush did it’ award goes to prado4587.. congratulations!

        • prado4587

          I’m on your side. You point out that her experience as a legislator disqualifies her for being governor. Bush was a popular governor who had no political experience. Folks in CA elected Arnold twice

          • 1bimbo

            well some of us patriots are W fans.. and the W stands for WMDs

  • nononsense57

    “Abbott seems more like a follower than a leader, which isn’t a very good sign”

    And this post seems to be written by a person who is in ninth grade and is only interested in tawdry gossip.

    Everyone can play this game. Is there an official dildo of the Davis campaign? Why yes,,,his name is Christopher Hooks!

    • 1bimbo

      i beg to differ.. with this dumbdemocrat enabling diatribe hooks earned the title of’Official Douche of the Davis Campaign’

  • Chris Bray

    I demand that Greg Abbott immediately make public his position on the Amistad case. Why won’t Greg Abbott answer that question!?!?!?

    • nononsense57

      YOu haven’t heard…or read..apparently Abbott’s stance on dildos is much more important.

  • Chris Bray

    Why won’t Greg Abbott say whether or not he would defend the right of women to wear pantaloons? WHAT’S HE TRYING TO HIDE!?!?!?

    • nononsense57

      Good one!

    • Orwellian_Dilemma

      I keep waiting for Wendy Davis to say she opposes gouging out the eyes of minority children who are annoy her.

      I think her lack of comment on this topic could be a real problem for Democrats in the upcoming election.

      • Chris Bray

        I mean, look, she doesn’t deny it. Is that what we want the governor of Texas to stand for? Why is she in favor of that!?!?!?

        • Orwellian_Dilemma

          Well she’s already on the record for the proposition of killing babies for fun and profit but this may be a bridge too far.

          • Paul Little

            You don’t deserve to have the word “Orwell” in your username, dinosaur.

          • 1bimbo

            yet you probably deserve the word ‘little’ in your username

          • Donkey Killer

            that was funny, 1dildo. but I bet you like 3.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            Interesting. Wouldn’t a dinosaur be in favor of killing people for being inconvenient? You think that killing a baby for interfering with Mama’s drinking schedule is a good thing?

            So what’s your favorite part of partial birth abortions? I bet it’s the souvenir’s baby feet like Dr. Gosnell liked to collect.

          • Texas Take

            Since in your opinion, every zygote deserves the full rights of a human being, you and your “big government loving when it suits you” brethren need to demand new legislation that requires a thorough investigation by authorities into all miscarriages that occur in the state of Texas. Death certificates should be a mandatory requirement for all such miscarriages along with guidelines for the proper handling of all miscarried fetuses to be consistent with your self-righteous point of view.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            Odd that you would think government protecting the weak from being murdered for convenience sake is “big government.”

            And you’re so right. The sole and only alternative to killing babies for fun and profit during the 39th week in a dirty clinic by untrained staff is to order up a full murder investigation for every miscarriage.

            You must really work hard to be such an efficiently stupid moron.

          • Texas Take

            Name calling does nothing to deflect your inability to refute the point I made with regards to the current legal requirements society demands upon the demise of a “human being,” as you believe the term applies to a fertilized human egg.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            You made no point that needs refutation. But you scored a nice, solid hit on that straw man you created.

          • Texas Take

            You are 0 for 2 and being evasive. C’mon genius, you’ve thought this through, right?

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            No. You’re 0 for 2 trying to get me to do battle with your straw man.

            Now run along, I’m sure there is a Kermit Gosnell rally or Josef Mengeles memorial that you’re late for.

          • Texas Take

            Game. Set. Match. You are a bumper-sticker reading, talk radio stupid cartoon.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            It’s funny that you actually think you’ve made some kind of point demanding that victims of miscarriages should be investigated for murder. It shows the mindset of someone who encourages killing babies at thirty-eight weeks to accommodate mama’s drinking schedule.

          • Texas Take

            Not funny, just obvious. The only point you’ve made is on the top of your head as you have proven yourself incapable of supporting your position when called to task. You can have the last word, as I know that’s important to you. Another Nazi reference, perhaps?

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            Your point isn’t obvious. It’s moronic. It’s a straw man.

            And I’m trying to figure out how not addressing your moronic straw man is a failure to “support” my position. There is nothing inconsistent with believing we shouldn’t kill babies for fun and profit while maintaining that we shouldn’t torment grieving women who’ve lost their babies to miscarriage by undertaking homicide investigations.

            And you have a point. Comparing pro-abortion people to national socialists is unfair–to the national socialists.

          • TheGCU

            Whenever right wing nuts don’t want to talk about something they start saying straw man. Shut up, and think for once in your life.

          • Bandara Carlos

            This whole conversation seems like a private decision based on input from family
            privately. Seems sick for Republicans to use this as a political hate talking
            tool, and doesn’t make any reverence for extreme Right Wing Neo-Parties
            connected to the current Republican movement.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            You should probably sober up and try again tomorrow, Chief.

          • Bandara Carlos

            You should probably take a drink so you can focus on reality. LOL

          • TheGCU

            I defy you to find a woman who says that she had an abortion for convenience. Moron.

          • des111168

            No, not really, because unlike you, they have common sense. Only the deliberate act of butchering your own child would be punished, i.e. “Hey, take that blade and scrape my living baby out of my own womb, thanks”.

          • Jack

            I thought they just vacuumed them out. ?

          • Texas Take

            You ever heard of the “morning after pill?” Not all miscarriages are a result of Mother Nature and if you believe all forms of terminating one’s pregnancy is “murder”, then all miscarriages need to be properly investigated by authorities to assure they are a result of natural causes and not artificially induced. It is “common sense” to understand the implications of what you endorse.

          • TheGCU

            Have you ever spoken to a woman that has had an abortion? Come back when you have.

          • des111168

            My wife used to work in a clinic. I know EXACTLY what goes on there. I know exactly what kind of people run those places. Working there completely changed my wife, thank God.

          • TheGCU

            You right wing nuts love to talk about less big government. Then why are you happy to have the government tell you that you can’t have an abortion? If you don’t like abortions, don’t have one. But why do you care what other people do? I don’t like Miracle Whip. It’s not miraculous, and it tastes horrible, but am I justified in fighting against you eating it? Abortion is legal, that’s the law of the land. If you don’t like it, don’t have one.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            Killing a human for fun and profit is not much like Miracle Whip.

            But it’s typical of a liberal to equate the value of life with a sandwich condiment.

            By the way, slavery was the law of the land. I suppose your answer would be if you don’t like slavery don’t own slaves.

          • TheGCU

            If slavery was legal, that would be my attitude. But laws change. Slavery was legal, then the law got changed. Women couldn’t vote, then the law got changed. Abortions were illegal, THEN THE LAW GOT CHANGED!

            If you think people have abortions for fun, then you’re an idiot and not worth my time. All you do is repeat your meaningless points instead of rationally defending your position. And saying that any questions about your position are straw men and refusing to answer means that you CAN’T rationally defend your position.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            I see. Whatever the law is, the law is. And no one can oppose the law. And since the law says that recreational abortions are AOK, then we must acquiesce–because, after all, that’s the law.

            By the way: You’re the one supporting the killing of people for being inconvenient. I believe the burden is on you to explain what’s so great about recreational abortion. My position is easier: a civilized society does not kill babies to accommodate someone’s drinking schedule.

          • TheGCU

            What is recreational abortion? Is it like legitimate rape? People don’t do it because they’re bored, dumbass. Instead of repeating yourself over and over, how about supporting your argument? I forgot, you can’t; you don’t know how.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            What “support” do you need for the proposition that it is bad to kill people for being inconvenient? Is that a difficult concept for you?

            You still have presented no support in favor of killing babies for convenience or why we should not apply that proposition to other inconvenient people.

          • TheGCU

            Abortions aren’t about convenience! Go and actually talk to someone who’s had one, and ask them why. It has nothing to do with convenience, or wanting to kill babies. You’re just an ignorant idiot, speaking from a supposed position of moral superiority, because a book told you. Idiot.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            So basically, you’ve got nothing–just a visceral support of killing babies. But nice ad hominem in support of the practice. You really zinged me with that whole “ignorant idiot” argument.

            But out of curiosity–would you be opposed to abortion for the sake of convenience? I mean, let’s say, the mother just felt that dealing with birthday parties in July would be annoying or that she wanted to look good in the holiday pictures?

          • Bob

            I was the one to tell him that Orwell was a socialist. He had no idea.

          • Samantha

            A lot of people miss the bigger point – Living in a country with supposed freedom means having all options open to everyone. For any woman who chooses abortion, that option needs to be available, and in a medically safe environment. And for those who don’t want one, they just won’t need those services.
            Side note: You’re delusional if you think any woman would make the decision to have an abortion on a whim or for convenience. And unless you know said woman personally (are you her husband, lover, relative, friend?) then you have NO say in her personal life.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            Oh, I see. How she treats her baby is a personal matter.

            So if she is a single mother and decides to kill her toddler, no one has any say in it.

            Or if her boyfriend decides to beat her–it’s none of our business.

            Or if they want to go to Africa and buy some people to be slaves, we have no say in it.

            Sorry, Sam. But killing babies for fun and profit is our business.

          • Samantha

            The discussion is obviously in regards to abortion. The fact that you have to bring up other issues means you don’t have much of a leg to stand on in regards to the topic at hand. And your over usage of the phrase “killing babies for fun and profit” proves you’re just another internet troll.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            No. The conversation is about when society can or cannot protect people from being killed for frivolous reasons. You seem comfortable with killing babies, but upset with anyone questioning the motives for killing babies. You should probably ask yourself why.

          • Samantha

            Typical troll response. Nobody is “killing babies” as you put it. You’re just sensationalizing the debate to get people riled up. Maybe you should ask yourself why you feel the need to do that.

          • TheGCU

            Don’t bother. Picking on the retarded isn’t nice lol. This guy just repeats propaganda.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            I hate to break it to you, but just because you are unable to rationally deal with my argument doesn’t make me a troll.

            And defining victims as something less than human was the basis of slavery and treating women as second class citizens. You should consider why you feel it necessary to dehumanize babies. . . .

          • Samantha

            You bring up “treating women as second class citizens”. You apparently think they are if you think your own personal beliefs should dictate what a woman does with her body. So women aren’t human enough to decide for themselves? So women can’t have control of their own bodies? This is the arguement you’re making. You dehumanize women when you think that there should be laws and regulations in place to keep women from making decisions about their own medical care.

            Your belief that life begins when an egg is fertilized is irrelevant. The freedom to choose the option that you find abhorent is part of what it means to live in a country that gives personal freedoms to its citizens. Would I choose to get an abortion if I were to find myself pregnant – no, I wouldn’t. But I’m not going to stop another woman whose circumstances are different from mine from choosing to get one.

            I hate to break it to you, but not everyone in this country has the same beliefs as you. We’re a country full of different backgrounds, religions, and ideas. You can’t make everyone happy. Therefore, the freedom to choose needs to be made available to everyone. Each woman can decide whether or not abortion is an option for them.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            Murder isn’t about personal beliefs.

            Murder isn’t about personal freedom.

            Murder isn’t about individual circumstances.

            Murder isn’t about religion.

            Murder is about a monster killing her baby.

            And you approve.

          • Samantha

            Again you miss the point, Mr. Internet Troll. Instead of debate, you choose to go for shock and awe.

            Yes, we’re all aware that you believe abortion to be murder. But that is because of your own personal belief, idea, or religion – one that not everyone in this country may share with you. (Please refer to response above for explanation because it has already been given.)

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            I don’t miss the point. You believe that killing babies for fun and profit is a matter of taste.

            Civilized peoples do not kill people except in self defense. It’s not a difficult or religious concept. If you suddenly decided that killing people to take their watch and wallet wouldn’t suddenly transform the act from one of murder to one of personal choice.

          • TheGCU


          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            First, it’s not an “egg” within a few hours of conception, but don’t let your ignorance of human biology be an impediment to an all caps rant.

            Second, what makes that fetus a human? Contact with atmospheric oxygen? The ink for the footprint on the birth certificate? A secret incantation? I mean, the ink/incantation criteria work for support of partial birth abortion, but the atmospheric oxygen option would make that problematic. . . .

            Thirdly, if fetuses are not people, what are they? Baboons? Butterflies? Ocelots?

          • Bandara Carlos

            I’m going to have to stop you right there. That’s more bullish than I could
            handle. Conservative logic news, Republicans cut the food stamps program. Human life is sacred until it gets hungry.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            I get it. So if I don’t want to pay for your kid because you’re too lazy to work, you get a free pass to murder the kid.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            By the way: anyone can have any opinion they want, but Charles James Napier summed up the matter quite nicely when dealing with Indians bent on performing Sati:

            “Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”

          • Bandara Carlos

            If it’s not your body it’s not your decision.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            You’re an utterly depraved moron. A worthless monster.

            Only a monster would say that the law is powerless to stay the hand of a murderer because “it’s her hand, she can use it to stab whomever she wants.”

            So what’s your favorite part of partial birth abortions? The little gasp she makes when she’s placed on a stainless steel tray? The shriek she makes when the half drunk nurse probes around with scissors trying to find the spinal column to snip? The cracking sound as the skull is being collapsed to make the baby easier to get down the garbage disposal? (An eight pound baby is hard to grind up, you know.)

            No, I bet you most enjoy when the doctor cuts her feet off and puts them in a jar as souvenirs.

            You haven’t a single redeeming quality to make you resemble a human. Think about that.

          • bo

            Fetus not a baby. Do you eat meat? Then you would also support mass production of animal cruelty which is also terrible for our environment. I think it is funny how people support not just killing but making animals suffer all their lives just to be killed. These are living breathing animals that have emotions and can feel pain. Oh but killing a blob in a women that has absolutely no thinking process is terrible.

          • Orwellian_Dilemma

            I eat meat and oppose killing babies because I possess sufficient intelligence to know the difference between a chicken and a baby.

            You’re a hopeless moron if you think at any point in human gestation that a baby is a “blob.”

            You may want to reconsider sentience being your threshold for killing people for fun and profit. That blade may cut closer than you think.

    • Stephen K

      While we’re at it, we need to ask him about his views on Prohibition, Plessy vs. Ferguson and whether or not he thought the sinking of the USS Maine was an inside job.

      We demand to know where Greg Abbott stands on these vital issues, and we won’t let him walk away until he answers them!

      • Chris Bray

        Stuarts or Tudors? ANSWER THE QUESTION, ABBOTT!!!!!

    • carmen

      We Don’t NEED Anyone to Defend Our Decison to Wear Pantaloons!
      Would You Like to Wear Them? I Think You Could Without Anyone Defending You, Too!

  • Abort Democrats

    So I guess now any male politician can ask female politicians what their stance is on dildos without recrimination?

    • Stephen K

      Only if they have the magic “D” after their name.

    • nononsense57

      Or any male can be asked. Remember, Davis (via her press secretary) is saying dildo issues matter!


  • Abort Democrats

    The “reporter’s” bio states “His work has appeared in Politico Magazine, Slate, and Texas Monthly, among others.” They might as well have had this written by DNC staff. Way to be objective Christopher Scott. Now you can go join Obama’s team, he’s becoming more popular by the day.

  • T Rex

    Vote for Wendy! She’ll put a chicken in every pot and a dildo in every……………………… oh never mind.

  • nononsense57

    When a democrat hasn’t locked up the pro dildo bloc this late in an election, they’re in big trouble.
    Her campaign is in official Dumpster Fire mode. Tactics are desperate, unseemly & embarrassing. Will be a case study.

    A humiliating landslide loss is in Dildo Wendy’s near future. Hey Dems, keep sending those big fat checks to Davis. Maybe you can buy her a clue!

    “A vote FOR Wendy Davis is a vote For a Dildo!!!!!” It’s really important you know.
    Is there going to be a new version of the “Come And Take It!” flag?

    Mocking has never been so fun!!!!!!! Do delusional people honestly think this is going to result in more votes for Abortion Barbie?

    I can’t wait to see what they say tomorrow. If Davis doesn’t FIRE her press secretary for the tweet that was sent out,,then Davis is A-OK with the association.


  • Chris Bray

    The last word on this topic:

    • nononsense57

      You must be referring to Dill Dough(s).

      • 1bimbo

        or Deal Does.. deer season is right around the corner.. 2A baby!

    • 1bimbo

      ha! brilliant

  • 1bimbo

    let me be very clear for looney liberals… being black is an immutable trait.. being a homosexual is based on behavior.. a person who is black is always black.. a person can choose not to be ‘gay married’

    • ghhshirley

      When did YOU choose to be straight? And why should any gay person be deprived of the right to wed the person they love?

      • 1bimbo

        there’s no ‘right’ to wed.. why don’t you get off your high horse and go get an amendment that gives you a federal ‘right’? because you know it would never pass

        • ghhshirley

          There is a little thing about equal rights for all.

          • 1bimbo

            civil rights are explicitly listed in the constitution and in the civil rights act.. homosexuality advocates are trying to skip the process outlined in the constitution to deem their ‘orientation’ claims as a civil right

          • ghhshirley

            Excuse me, what “process” in the constitution are homosexuals trying to “skip”? The Fifth Amendment says to the federal government that no one shall be “deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment forbids the states from discriminating invidiously against some of their citizens. Why else do you think the Supreme Court is siding with state courts that have thrown out marriage equality bans?

          • 1bimbo

            the federal activist judges? here’s a lesson on the judiciary for you.. judges don’t make laws.. they interpret the constitution.. everything the judicial tyrants try to do will be undone within the next 5 years.. why? because the constitution has endured far more than social totalitarianism by the homosexuality advocates

  • Kristine

    This is just beyond pathetic. Abbott is actually IN an interracial marriage. That’s comment enough.

    And this a completely fake, desperate issue. NO ONE is calling for an interracial marriage ban.

    Who is the adviser on this campaign? Wendy Davis makes some VERY bad choices. Who cares where she stand on issues anymore, clearly she has incredibly sub-par thinking abilities.

    • ghhshirley

      I hardly consider Abbott being married to a half-Latina as an inter-racial marriage. His wife’s father was white. GMAB. Why can’t he just address the question?

      • 1bimbo

        holyf*ck, cecilia isn’t latina enough for you? keep digging the hole..

        • ghhshirley

          WTH? “Cecilia which is the name of Saint Cecilia, the patron saint of music, has been a consistently used name in the United States, where it has ranked among the top 500 names for girls for more than 100 years. It was the 274th most popular name for American girls born in 2007″

          • 1bimbo

            your comments are breaking my heart

          • ghhshirley

            Your stupidity is not breaking mine. Sadly, I have come to expect it from “illiterati” Tea Party Republicans.

          • 1bimbo

            ha! the old teaparty schtick.. no wonder the dumbdemocrats are losing.. your ‘progressive’ talking points are as fresh as simon&garfunkel

      • Kristine

        Really? You don’t consider his Hispanic wife racial enough for ya, huh? I presume then you don’t call Obama black, right? Since his mom was white. Just keeping the standards the same and all.

        And he doesn’t have to answer because it’s a stupid, fake, desperate question. Name ONE state or politician who is calling for a ban on interracial marriage.

        Why not ask him where he stand on a bikini ban on all beaches?
        Or banning eating carrots on Tuesdays?

        It’s completely fake and it’s meant to make the politically ignorant start believing there is an issue where NONE exists.

        She pulled that BS out of her ass when she should have left it there.

        • ghhshirley

          I don’t even consider marriage btw a Latina (half Latina in Abbott’s wife’s case, not that it matters) to qualify as “interracial”. Again, why won’t he just answer the question as to how he would have dealt with the matter back when interracial marriage was a real issue? We know why. His answer is whatever his puppet masters tell him it is.

          • Larry P. Lanclos

            I can assure you when I got married to my Hispanic wife in 1983 it was considered and interracial marriage but nice try Wendy

  • 1bimbo

    by the way.. you’re not helping, hooks

  • ghhshirley

    For the past several years, Republicans, particularly in Texas, have been obsessed with women’s vaginas, uteri, and what goes on between LBGT folks. They want to regulate all of it. They want to discriminate against individual rights and choices. What’s up with that? Who REALLY is the party of Big Government? Abbott will fight to take away any right if the Koch Bros, Alec, and the far right Christian Taliban pays him enough to do so. (Let me be clear, most true Christians are nothing like the people Abbott is listening to.).

    • 1bimbo

      we do our best to keep the sexually-disordered from gaining a polticial foothold.. why? because annise parker

    • gekkobear

      Whereas Democrats like Mark Uterus in Colorado never focus on … Oh sorry; Mark Udall.
      How could I have gotten that wrong?

      Democrats don’t want to regulate sex though.
      That’s why they’re setting rules in CA for sex for college aged adults.

      You can’t let adults have sex without the Democrats issuing rules; that’s insane.
      Next you’ll want to pick your light bulbs, trash bags, or shower nozzle… Madness.

      Only Republicans want to control you.
      Democrats want to remove all choices for your own good… totally different.

      • ghhshirley

        You are comparing California’s rape protection programs to regulating sex? Apparently, you don’t know the difference between regulating consensual sex (which Republicans are wont to do) and what qualifies as an act of violence and prevention, and apparently, you don’t care.

        • gekkobear

          Ah yes, the “if you do anything to a person without continuous enthusiastic consent it’s rape”.

          Hey, I grabbed my girlfriend from behind yesterday and kissed her.
          Where do I go to turn myself in for this horrific sexual assault?

          What? I didn’t get permission firs;t so even thought she thought it was romantic and spontaneous clearly she was wrong and I molested her against her will.
          I should be locked up, because this is like rape. At least by California rules.

          Oh, and since this is “like rape” by the new rules; do we have a word for what we used to call rape? Or are those the same level or problematic for you?

          Who knew liberals thought kissing your girl by surprise and actually raping a stranger were the same?

    • Chris Bray

      Jesus, there are people who really believe this shit. How depressing to read this list of cartoon ideas.

  • Cicada Thirty-Three

    Let’s get to the bottom of this. What is Democratic Party’s position on but plugs?

  • Marjorie Haun

    Desperation. Pathetic. But folks, this is who Democrats are, and sex toys are more important to them than Ebola, Isis, energy independence, national security, jobs, and the exploding debt.

  • rcerke79

    Hahahahahaha The Davis implosion continues…..

  • JR

    It’s only viable that a main campaign focus would be on dildos, especially coming from a female candidate. After all, I’m only smart enough to vote how my uterus tells me to…(according to dems, that is.)

  • Jim Hasak

    Well, we KNOW what kind of governor Wendy Davis would be. Abbott is a good man, but even if he weren’t, I still wouldn’t vote for that crackpot hater Wendy Davis.

  • Jack

    I heard she never answered whether she preferred republicans to have abortions over democrats. what a piece of garbage

  • Chris Bray

    The day Greg Abbott is elected to be the new governor of Texas, I will weep for our dildos. Then I will brace for the terrible new wave of anti-miscegenation laws that will inevitably follow. Imagine how much worse it will be to return to the Jim Crow era without even having a good collection of sex toys to comfort us.

    • 1bimbo

      but these are the issues that matter, bray!!

  • Bandara Carlos

    Okay let us try to straighten this out.
    Abbutt is a personal lackey of the Koch Brothers and
    Corporate Billionaires and would sell TEXAS
    out to Halliburton in a heartbeat.

    • 1bimbo

      give it up.. it’s over already

  • WalkingHorse

    It’s been many years since I last read any of the wares purveyed by the Texas Observer. I had forgotten why I didn’t miss the experience.

  • PeterTx52

    davis and her cohort of liberal/progressive supporters are struggling and are throwing everything at Abbott with the hope that folks will buy what they are throwing. nice to see the TO join. can’t wait for election night so I can hear the gnashing of teeth, the weeping and keening from the left as they watch Abbott and the Rs continue their run in control of the state.

  • don76550

    Hooks, you may be interested to know Gregg Abbott is actually in an interracial marriage. He really does not need to address that non issue merely because some marxist worm brings it up.

  • OldTimeBoltFan

    This may come as a shock to you Mr. Hooks, but the job of AG is to follow the law, not just go with how he feels. That’s the problem with progressives – no understanding of reality.

  • Randy

    hmm… Greg “I got mine” Abbott, Tort Meister. Hope he changes his position on abortion ’cause we’re all about to get raped by him and his right-wing business buddies…

  • carmen

    What Does Inter Racial Marriage Have to do with Men Marrying Men? Women Marrying Women?
    Comparing Apples & Orangs in My View!

  • carmen

    Even if Texas ends up cowering to Liberals and Enacts laws so Men Can “Marryy” Men & Women Can “Marry” Women, These Laws Mean Nothing When Held Up to The LAWS of GOD & NATURE! Enact
    all the Godless and heathen laws you want, God’s Laws Still STAND!!

  • R1o2b3

    Yeah, good to see Texas bigots out in fine fashion. Seriously, according to the Bible Jesus had two fathers and he turned out ok. What’s the big deal? Equal rights takes nothing away from religious bigots. Religious bigotry and ignorance was used to ban interracial marriages until ’67. This isn’t a theocracy. By Gregg Abbott’s own procreation argument in defending bigotry his own marriage and that of Chief Justice Roberts and his wife should be illegal. They cannot naturally have children. Equal protection under the law, folks.

  • Bandara Carlos

    Abbutt is a personal lackey of the Koch Brothers
    and Corporate Billionaires and would sell TEXAS out to Halliburton in a heartbeat.

  • TXranger55

    You shallow Libs just can’t debate about anything without bring up the Koch Brothers can you?

  • Bandara Carlos

    When you’re optometrists tells you, that you are losing your
    vision and you cannot read the writing on the wall. You’re now officially