Wendy Davis is Abortion Barbie #abortionbarbie

Wendy Davis, Glenn Hegar

The left is in a tizzy on twitter for my referring to pink shoes wearing Texas State Senator Wendy Davis as “Abortion Barbie.”

It sums her up perfectly. All the nation knows about Wendy Davis is that she is ignorant of the horrors of Kermit Gosnell, wears pink shoes, and filibustered legislation to save the innocent in Texas. She joined the long line of Democrats before her to oppose legislation to protect other people while using property rights arguments to do so.

The media would prefer to focus on her blonde hair, her great outfits, and her pink shoes than on the procedure she wants to protect. That procedure, late term abortion, is opposed by a majority of women and men.

Abortion Barbie fits perfectly and I hope that moniker haunts her on the campaign trail. She is, after all, intent on building a national name for herself through abortion and pink shoes. I’m sure MSNBC will send her tampon earrings to go with the other accessories.

As an aside, one of the most hilarious bits of this is seeing liberals proclaim all references to someone as “Barbie” sexist. Really?

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