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A New York City doctor recently back from West Africa tested positive for Ebola, officials confirmed. VPC

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Even without the explicit statement from his employer, Craig Spencer's recent journeys to desperately under-served populations in Africa would confirm the description of him as a "dedicated humanitarian."

It was his similar dedication to the Ebola-ravaged nation of Guinea, as a volunteer for Doctors Without Borders, that led this 33-year-old New York Presbyterian Hospital doctor to test positive for the virus on Thursday.

In 2013, Spencer, a native of Grosse Pointe, Mich., took up a fellowship in international emergency medicine at New York Presbyterian/Columbia that specializes in sending physicians to work in post-conflict and post-disaster areas.

According to the fellowship's website, his works in Africa included helping develop an emergency care teaching curriculum in Rwanda, assisting in a mortality survey in southern Burundi, and helping set up a pregnancy monitoring surveillance program.

Spencer, who was placed in isolation at Bellevue Hospital Thursday, kept his mission in the forefront last month in a Facebook entry, complete with his photo in full protective gear, about his upcoming trip to West Africa.

"Off to Guinea with Doctors Without Borders," he wrote. "Please support organizations that are sending support or personnel to West Africa, and help combat one of the worst public health and humanitarian disasters in recent history."

He returned from West Africa 10 days ago, but refrained from seeing any of New York patients until the 21-day Ebola incubation period had passed.

Spencer was long stepped in public service. After getting his medical degree from Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, he earned a Master of Public Health degree at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health.

Kate Calabresa Murray, principal at Grosse Pointe North High School, says everyone remembers the 1999 graduate "because of his selfless leadership," the Detroit Free Press reports.

Spencer, she noted, always had a smile.

"I don't think Craig Spencer ever had a bad day at Grosse Pointe North," Murray said.

A statement Thursday by New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center, where he is on staff, called him "a dedicated humanitarian ... who went to an area of medical crisis to help a desperately under served population.''

"He is a committed and responsible physician who always puts his patients first,'' the hospital said. "He has not been to work at our hospital and has not seen any patients at our hospital since his return from overseas. Our thoughts are with him, and we wish him all the best at this time. ''

On his Linkedin page, Spencer note he is a "fellow of international emergency medicine'' at the New York hospital. He speaks five languages -- including Chinese -- and studied language and literature at Henen University in China in 2006-2007.

It was in China where he met his fiancee, Morgan Dixon, 31.

Their wedding announcement, posted online in Michigan, suggests there is also a more playful side to Spencer.

"Craig's friends say he's a goofball, incredible gifted in both art, music and science, and a go getter."

The couple live in a six-story apartment building in Hamilton Heights, in Upper Manhattan, which has been under virtual siege by the media since Spencer called the hospital Thursday to report his Ebola symptoms. The Department of Health has been onsite across the street, giving out information to area residents.

That catapulted him into the dubious role as New York City's first Ebola patient, which was a jolt to his neighbors.

"He's a nice guy, and kind of, wow," a neighbor, John Reston, told The New York Times upon hearing about Spencer's medical condition. "He's a nice guy, friendly, jovial. And I know he's really dedicated to his work. That he's with Doctors Without Borders says who he is."

Health officials say he was also careful to self-monitor, taking his temperature twice a day for any fever that would signal the possibility of contracting the Ebola virus.

While staying away from work, he did move freely about the city, following the medical protocol that says no one can pass on Ebola until a person has developed symptoms for the disease.

in recent days had traveled at least three subway lines, gone bowling in Brooklyn's Williamsburg neighborhood with his fiancé and two friends, used an Uber car service ride and went elsewhere, questions rose about whether the risk of contagion could have spread.

Dixon, his fiancé, has been placed under quarantine, as have two of Spencer's friends.

But despite following medical guidelines, and his dedication in trying to tackle the Ebola crisis, some people on social media, particularly Twitter users, said he should have thought more about others' safety.

"#EbolaNYC doctor had overwhelming evidence he must self quarantine. Use common sense! Should be tried for manslaughter if he infects anyone!" tweeted Orlando, Fla., resident Nick Egoroff.

Eric D. Lawrence reports for the Detroit Free Press. Contributing: William M. Welch

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