Thursday, 06 November 2014 / TRUTH-OUT.ORG
  • Capitalism Is a Tumor on the Body Politic: What's the Alternative? Beyond Mid-Election Babble

    By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed

    2014.11.6.Giroux.Main"Capitalism is spreading like a tumor in US society and the key is to cut out its ability to convince people that there are no other alternatives." (Image: Lance Page / t r u t h o u t; Adapted: skez, JoesSistah)The right-wing Republican sweep of Congress testifies to a massive memory and educational deficit among the US public and a failure among progressives and the left regarding how to think about politics outside of the established boundaries of liberal reform. The educative nature of politics has never been more crucial than it is now and testifies to the need for a new politics in which culture and education are as important as economic forces in shaping individual and social agency, if not resistance itself.

    The cultural apparatuses owned by the financial elite are largely responsible for the political and social darkness that engulfs the American public. Americans are shaping a new moment in history in which the symbiosis among cultural institutions, power and everyday life has shaped the very nature of politics and the broader collective public consciousness with an influence unlike anything we have seen in the past. Economics drives politics and its legitimating apparatuses have become the great engines of manufactured ignorance. This suggests the need for the left and their allies to take seriously how identities, desires and modes of agency are produced, struggled over and taken up.

  • Confidence Men and "Prison Reform"

    Confidence Men and "Prison Reform"

    By Kay Whitlock, Critical Mass Progress | Op-Ed

    I was a little kid when I first learned about "confidence men" - and snake oil and the art of the inspired swindle - from my dad and his cronies at the pool hall. They all had stories, shouted at each other over beer, laughter and the clack of the rack on the table, about their various encounters with those shifty gents. I'm reminded of all this as I look at a flurry of articles making much, largely uncritical, ado about the purported conservative-Right push for "prison reform."

  • Oil on the Tracks: Pacific Northwest Rises for Rail Safety

    Oil on the Tracks: Pacific Northwest Rises for Rail Safety

    By Martha Baskin, Truthout | Report

    If there were ever any question about how the public feels about "moving time bombs," or oil trains carrying volatile crude through the state's coastal estuaries, aquifers, population centers and tribal lands, the answers began at the crack of dawn and ricocheted into the night. At a five-hour-plus hearing, the public weighed in on a draft report on oil train safety and spill response issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology.


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