
18 Moderate Quakes Strike Northern Nevada In Less Than 24 Hours

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(CBS SF) — A swarm of earthquakes ranging from magnitude 2.7 to 4.5 struck northern Nevada near the borders of Oregon and California between Wednesday morning and Thursday morning. The tremors came just after a magnitude 4.9 earthquake shook the same area.

A USGS readout of the seismic activity shows the cluster of earthquakes striking near the Calcutta Lake area between 9 a.m. Wednesday and 8 a.m. Thursday.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey’s automated seismograph alert network, the largest earthquake struck at 12:34 a.m. Pacific time near the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge. The remote area is located about 40 miles southeast of Lakeview, Oregon, 117 miles northeast of Susanville, and nearly 200 miles north of Carson City, Nevada .

The area has recently seen a spike in earthquake activity.

The quake struck near the surface at a depth of 3.3 miles, which can feel much stronger than their actual reported magnitude.

COMPLETE QUAKE COVERAGE: CBS Earthquake Resource Center

This article will be updated as information warrants, and follow KPIX 5 on Twitter at @CBSSF or KCBS Radio on Twitter at @KCBSNews for updates on breaking news anytime.

DID YOU FEEL IT?: USGS Shake Map For Northern California
LIVE QUAKE MAP: Track Real-Time Hot Spots
BAY AREA FAULTS: Interactive Map Of Local Faults

Strong earthquakes with an epicenter off the coast can trigger tsunamis, depending on the size and type of the fault movement. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center tracks earthquake data for the West Coast.
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