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News Releases By Topic

7 news releases are tagged with the topic social-work

November 2014

October 2014

  • UT Arlington School of Social Work receives grant to develop human assistive robot learning network
    Assistive technology

    Monday, October 27, 2014
    News Topics: awards, faculty, research, robotics, social work

    John Bricout, associate dean for research and community outreach in the School of Social Work, will use a federal grant to develop a human assistive robot learning network.

  • UT Arlington receives $1.4 million to combat mental health, substance abuse worker shortage in U.S.
    Meeting the need

    Friday, October 10, 2014
    News Topics: awards, faculty, social work

    School of Social Work Associate Dean Debra Woody will use a $1.4 million grant to help increase the numbers of mental health and substance abuse workers in the U.S.

September 2014

  • Teens living with two, college-educated parents less likely to use alcohol and marijuana, UT Arlington study finds
    Teen substance abuse

    Monday, September 8, 2014
    News Topics: faculty, research, social work

    New research led by Eusebius Small, assistant professor in the School of Social Work, points to parental education as a factor in teens at risk of alcohol and marijuana use.

June 2014

August 2013

May 2013

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