Here’s How To Keep Healthy This Flu Season

While there's national concern about the deadly Ebola virus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says October marks the start of flu season.
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MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – While there’s national concern about the deadly Ebola virus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says October marks the start of flu season.

And while Ebola has killed one person in the United States, the flu is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths.

Dr. Jess Prischmann, a WCCO-TV medical contributor, spoke with Jason DeRusha Tuesday morning about strategies to keep healthy this flu season.

They are simple, effective and include:

–  Getting a flu vaccine.

“It not only protects you, it protects the people around you,” Prischmann said.

– Not touching your face.

“If you avoid doing that,” the doctor said,” you are going to keep from giving the virus a port of entry.”

– Washing your hands.

“You should at least wash your hands five times a day,” Prischmann  said.

– Disinfecting common areas daily.

“If you are around the community phone [at work], or some contact surface, keep disinfecting wipes there,” Prischmann said.

– And avoiding poor ventilation.

If you do get sick, call a doctor. You may be a candidate for anti-viral medications, Prischmann said.

Other things that might help combat the flu are: taking zinc lozenges and Vitamin D supplements.

Also: “Things like lemon, honey and garlic have been shown to have some healing proprieties,” Prischmann  said.

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