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I Guess Things Are Fine and Dandy

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In this handout from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), a colorized transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of a Ebola virus virion is seen. As the Ebola virus continues to spread across parts of Africa, a second doctor infected with the disease has arrived in the U.S. for treatment.  (Photo by Center for Disease Control (CDC) via Getty Images)

In this handout from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), a colorized transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of a Ebola virus virion is seen. As the Ebola virus continues to spread across parts of Africa, a second doctor infected with the disease has arrived in the U.S. for treatment. (Photo by Center for Disease Control (CDC) via Getty Images)

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Who is John Galt?

Better yet,

Who is Ron Klain?

Remember him?

He’s the Ebola Czar appointed several weeks ago by the President.

And nobody has seen him since.

The talk force assigned to assess the situation has met perhaps a dozen times, but without input from the Czar. But obviously, he’s been doing his job, since in the last week or so, we’ve heard very little about any suspected, or confirmed cases of the often fatal illness here in the U.S.

So I guess things are fine and dandy.

Well…..not necessarily.

New York City’s channel 4 reports that the number of suspected cases in the Apple has tripled in the first three days of this week, from 117 on Monday to 357 as of yesterday. All of those people are under active monitoring, and will be during the incubation period.

It’s likely that very few, if any, will develop full blown Ebola. And that’s generally the way things go.

Of course, ever since the first reported case in Dallas last month every instance of exposure has been reported in the news. And that information brought some of us to near panic.

And almost always for no reason.

So perhaps things are quieting down.

Perhaps they are, but I found this disclaimer from a reporter writing a story for Forbes about a suspected case of Ebola at Duke University Hospital.

“The Associated Press and other press outlets have agreed not to report on suspected cases of Ebola in the United States until a positive viral RNA test is completed. But I’m covering tonight’s announcement of a potential Ebola case because it has been reported in my area, and at Duke University Medical Center”

Maybe that’s why we’ve heard so little about the Ebola Czar.

Any mention of him could crank up the panic again.

And for comic relief, there’s this explanation for the Republican gains on Tuesday, from self-hating white male Mark Morford of SF Gate.

It should be pointed out that Morford was a believer back in 2008, when he elevated then Senator Obama to near-holy status, anointing him as;

“a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment.”


You bet.

And Michael Brown was a “gentle giant”.


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