The Best North Texas Bands That Will Scare the Hell Out of You

Categories: Best Of

Ken Penn
Power Trip is one of many North Texas acts that aren't for the faint of heart

There's nothing quite like getting the shit scared out of you, is there? It's why we love watching horror movies. It's why we do things like jumping out of airplanes for fun. Nothing else really gets the endorphins going the same way, you know? It's also why we love Halloween -- not just for the fun of playing dress-up and getting smashed in our Chewbacca costume (we do that all the time anyway), but because we love scaring ourselves.

With Halloween upon us, it's time to fully embrace our love of fear. To do it, we've selected a handful of the scariest goddamn bands you'll band anywhere in Texas. But be warned: You may not be able to sleep tonight if you read this whole list.

Power Trip

Power Trip shows in Dallas can only be described in one word: violent. The band has made a name for itself around the country for its infamous live performances. The band has an army at its disposal and has brought them to shows all over the metroplex, inciting crowds to riotous feats. This includes chair-throwing, banners being set on fire and most of all, getting the die-hard Power Trip faithful to suspend concern for anyone or anything in the room. For the uninitiated, a Power Trip show is a terrifying prospect. The only guarantees at it are amazing riffs, pain and, if you're initiated, one hell of a good time.

via Modern Pain Facebook
Modern Pain

Modern Pain

This Dallas hardcore band doesn't play shows to allow audiences to get a read on them. Instead a Modern Pain show, wildly unpredictable and chaotic, features the band taking their audience to task. Vocalist Noah Boyce launches himself into the crowd like an errant cannonball with no regard for his own physical well-being, let alone that of the audience. Guitarist Jay Chary, towering over most everyone at 6-foot-5, plays with a reckless abandon throwing both fists and his guitar at anyone near him. Bass player Logan Holmes doesn't even know where he's going as he attacks both his instrument and anyone foolish enough to get near him. They say the most terrifying thing is the unknown. A Modern Pain show is a loose cannon, a wild card; they can't even tell you what is going to happen.

Naomi Vaughan
Pinkish Black

Pinkish Black

Pinkish Black's sound is variable. They don't like to classify themselves and you shouldn't either. Their brand of droning, gothic rock with haunting vocals is not for everyone. On record, their sound presents the air of an unknown present company. You never quite feel alone when you're listening to Pinkish Black. This means that listening to them in the dark is a rather hair-raising task. Their live shows are chilling and enveloping. Between the volume and their encompassing atmosphere, the band takes possession of you while they play. They make it clear that when you're watching Pinkish Black, you are under their spell and belong to them.

Gray Muncy
Vulgar Display

Vulgar Display

Vulgar Display are ready to fight. They really just play music to give themselves a soundtrack while they do it. Vocalist Brian Storms is as confrontational as he is able-bodied. The music is timed to keep hitting the audience, both literally and figuratively, while the band conducts the crowd as their own personal weapon. Flanked by guitarists Austin Johannigmeier and Daniel Schmuck, bass player Rob Glynn and drummer Chad Green, Vulgar Display are the lead gang in the prison riots that are their shows. This fact doesn't put off any of the band's members as they make it a point to get involved in it whenever they can. For Vulgar Display, what you call scary, they call fun.


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