Blackout Case Study 1 - Pam Judy

Blackout Case Study 1 - Pam Judy

PUBLICATION DATE: August 7, 2014

AUTHOR: Nadia Steinzor

SUMMARY: Blackout in the Gas Patch Case Study 1: Pam Judy from Carmichaels, Greene County PA

Reckless Endangerment While Fracking the Eagle Ford Shale

Reckless Endangerment While Fracking the Eagle Ford Shale

PUBLICATION DATE: September 19, 2013

AUTHOR: Sharon Wilson, Lisa Sumi, Wilma Subra

Reckless Endangerment while Fracking the Eagle Ford (Summary)

Reckless Endangerment while Fracking the Eagle Ford (Summary)

PUBLICATION DATE: September 18, 2013

AUTHOR: Earthworks

Breaking All the Rules (executive summary)

Breaking All the Rules (executive summary)

PUBLICATION DATE: September 25, 2012

AUTHOR: Lisa Sumi

SUMMARY: States are betraying the public by failing to enforce oil and gas development rules

Breaking All the Rules - The Crisis in Oil and Gas Regulatory Enforcement

Breaking All the Rules - The Crisis in Oil and Gas Regulatory Enforcement

PUBLICATION DATE: September 25, 2012

AUTHOR: Lisa Sumi

SUMMARY: States are betraying the public by failing to enforce oil and gas development rules (Full report)

Enforcement Report - PA DEP

Enforcement Report - PA DEP

PUBLICATION DATE: September 25, 2012

AUTHOR: Lisa Sumi

SUMMARY: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: Inadequate enforcement guarantees irresponsible oil and gas development in Pennsylvania

Enforcement Report - Ohio DOGRM

Enforcement Report - Ohio DOGRM

PUBLICATION DATE: September 25, 2012

AUTHOR: Lisa Sumi

SUMMARY: Ohio Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management: Inadequate enforcement means current Ohio oil and gas development is irresponsible

Enforcement Report - RRC

Enforcement Report - RRC

PUBLICATION DATE: September 25, 2012

AUTHOR: Lisa Sumi

SUMMARY: Texas Railroad Commission - Inadequate enforcement means irresponsible oil and gas development

Enforcement Report - NYS DEC

Enforcement Report - NYS DEC


AUTHOR: Lisa Sumi

SUMMARY: Current enforcement of New York's oil and gas rules is inadequate, and means the state is not prepared for a shale gas boom.

Enforcement Report - NM OCD

Enforcement Report - NM OCD


AUTHOR: Lisa Sumi

SUMMARY: New Mexico Oil & Gas Oil Conservation Division's inadequate enforcement guarantees irresponsible oil and gas development

Re: State Environmental Quality Review Act Requires Additional Comprehensive Environmental Review

Re: State Environmental Quality Review Act Requires Additional Comprehensive Environmental Review

PUBLICATION DATE: April 12, 2012

SUMMARY: Letter to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation regarding environmental reviews before fracking permits are issued.

Re: Lathrop Compressor Station Explosion

Re: Lathrop Compressor Station Explosion


Enforcement Report - COGCC

Enforcement Report - COGCC

PUBLICATION DATE: March 20, 2012

AUTHOR: Lisa Sumi

SUMMARY: Inadequate enforcement means current Colorado oil and gas development is irresponsible

On Twitter

@noahbrenner And fracking money or nothing is a false choice.
@noahbrenner @Patrick_Madden I realize that's a joke, but #oilandgas industry PR so framed in false choices that it's not funny. #fracking

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