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Friday, November 14, 2014

2014 Midterm Elections


Election 2014

The Race for the Midterms in the House and Senate

Jimmy Carter's Grandson Looks for a Win.Drug Tests for Doctors in California?Tea Party Still Gaining in Nebraska.More Money for Open Spaces?Gun Restrictions Could be Tightened,and Loosened. The Races to Watch Across All 50 States »

Gov.-Elect Larry Hogan, a Republican, Stands Tall in Democratic Maryland

The perfect political alchemy of low voter turnout, the languid campaign of his opponent and his own strong grass-roots base gave Mr. Hogan a decisive four-point victory.

The Upshot

Why the Voters of 2016 Are Likely to Be Younger and More Diverse

Enthusiasm for President Obama brought out younger and nonwhite voters in 2008 and 2012, but demographic changes are set to have the same effect.

The Upshot

G.O.P. Faces Tougher Job Finding Democrats to Repeal Health Law

Of the 10 House Democrats who have joined the G.O.P. most often in attempts to change or repeal the health care law, two will remain in the new Congress.

The Upshot

What 2014 Elections Can Tell Us About 2016: Not Much at All

Democrats’ poor midterm performance is unlikely to help, or hurt, their next presidential candidate. The state of the economy will matter more.

The Upshot

Election Results Endanger Innovative Arkansas Medicaid Plan

The plan called the “private option” has helped lower premiums for many Arkansans, not just the poor.

The Upshot

What Happened in Virginia? Democrats Didn’t Show Up

The lowest turnout of any competitive Senate race was the main reason for an unexpected nail-biter.

The Upshot

Not All Political Defeats Are Permanent

Some Republican losers in the 1964 elections went on to distinguished careers. One would even become president.

Tuesday Aside, It Was All Over Back in March

The Texas election produced few competitive contests, but Tuesday’s results answered some questions about the state’s direction.

The Upshot

Drop in Democratic Turnout Was the Difference in the Maryland Governor’s Race

It’s not easy for a Republican to become governor of Democratic-leaning Maryland, but here’s how Larry Hogan did it.

The Upshot

What the Forecasts Got Right, and Wrong

The elections are over. What have we learned about the efforts to analyze and predict the outcomes of various Senate races?

Like Father, Like Son: Similarities in Cuomos’ Races for Governor Rankle Democrats

After landslide re-election wins, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and his father, Gov. Mario M. Cuomo, were accused of failing to support other Democrats on the ballot.

Republican Takeover of New York Senate May Aid Cuomo’s Centrist Brand

A divided Legislature will put Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo in a powerful position, allowing him to play deal maker between Republicans and Democrats.

Mark Warner Hangs On to Slim Senate Lead in Virginia

Mr. Warner, a Democrat, claimed victory just after midnight Tuesday, but his Republican opponent, Ed Gillespie, may be able to request a recount.

The Upshot

Turnout, a Scapegoat, Wasn’t Always the Difference This Time

Many Democrats would have won if turnout had resembled a presidential election year. But Democrats also lost in states where turnout surpassed that of 2010.

The Upshot

States Benefiting Most From Obama’s Health Law Elected Republicans

People who were pleased with their new health care coverage remained unhappy with the Democrats who passed it.

De Blasio Deflects Blame for Losses in New York Senate Races

Mayor Bill de Blasio was depicted as a liberal boogeyman in ads by Republicans aimed at upstate voters.

The Upshot

Lessons for Obama’s Final Two Years From Reagan, Clinton and Bush

The historical record shows intriguing possibilities for pragmatic action if President Obama can put aside his policy priorities.

New England Delegation Acquires a Tinge of Red

The region’s all-Democratic House delegation will gain two Republican members, one from New Hampshire and one from Maine.

The Upshot

The Strange Case of States’ Penchant for Casinos

Significant expansions of gambling passed in three states, but were rejected in two where in-state interests balked.

New Marijuana Initiatives Loom as 3 Win Approval

Lessons for both sides of the issue are seen in votes in Alaska, Oregon and Washington, D.C.

The Upshot

The Democrats’ Southern Problem Reaches a New Depth

The national Democratic party has been out of favor in the South for decades, and now the party has become a toxic brand for local politicians.

State Wage Initiatives Fare Better Than Democrats

If the ballot measures on Tuesday were any measure, the issue has become unmoored from partisan politics, drawing support from both sides.

Dannel Malloy, in Repeat, Wins a Close Election for Connecticut Governor

On a day when Republicans snatched up governor’s seats in traditionally Democratic states, Dannel P. Malloy’s wobbly victory took on the tone of a much larger triumph, and might have opened a narrow path to national prominence.

By Lending a Hand, Christie Gains Some Clout for 2016

For Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, the wave of Republican victories in statehouses on Tuesday is helping recast his image as a team player within his wary party.

Alaska Awaits Election Results for Senate and Governor

The race for Senate — between Dan Sullivan, a Republican, and the incumbent, Mark Begich, a Democrat — and the vote for governor were still undecided on Wednesday.

Senate General Election End date Dem. Rep. Margin Adjusted margin
+Kan. Rasmussen Reports 8/7 40% 44% Roberts* +4 +3
+Kan. YouGov 7/24 37% 54% Roberts* +17 +16
+Kan. SurveyUSA 7/22 33% 38% Roberts* +5 +5
*IncumbentNote: Adjusted margins include adjustments for pollster house effects.
State Forecast Margin
80% prediction interval shown.