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At Last Gubernatorial Debate, Davis Outperforms Abbott

At the second of two governor’s race debates, Wendy Davis seemed a great deal more relaxed and comfortable.

Top TPPF Analyst: Coal Ended Slavery

The Texas Public Policy Foundation’s top energy analyst thinks coal helped end slavery. It didn’t, but the argument says a lot about the state’s discourse.

Eye On Texas: Jennifer Whitney Captures the Decline of Women’s Health Care

Jennifer Whitney documents the effects of cuts to women’s health-care and family-planning funding and access with a focus on the Rio Grande Valley.

Coverage of the Lt. Governor’s Debate

The Observer covers the first—and only—lt. governor’s debate between state Sen. Leticia Van de Putte (D-San Antonio), and state Sen. Dan Patrick (R-Houston).

“Strange Leaves” by Christopher Carmona, a Texas Observer Short Story Contest Finalist

Today we present the third of four Texas Observer Short Story Contest finalists, Christopher Carmona’s “Strange Leaves,” which explores a border-crossing that could have been culled from yesterday’s headlines.

Michael Morton on the Long Road to Justice

When Michael Morton walked out of prison in 2011, it was the close of a story that would put most legal thrillers to shame. Having spent 25 years in prison following a wrongful conviction for the murder of his wife, Morton was finally a free man, and he would eventually see the man who sent him to prison put—if only briefly—behind bars. Morton tells that story in his new memoir, Getting Life: An Innocent Man’s 25-Year Journey from Prison to Peace.

Doctors With Borders

A Brownsville pediatrician sets the story straight about the children and families coming to Texas.

WTF Friday: November Is Coming

This week’s WTF Friday, our look at the dialectical excellence of Texas politics, focuses on Rick Perry, Greg Abbott and Ted Cruz, but also has gifs, which helps.

Observer Radio Episode 77: Same-Sex Marriage and Covert Political Campaigns

John Wright joins us to discuss Connie Wilson, the California transplant who was denied a driver’s license by DPS over her same-sex marriage.

Houston Police Dept. Plagued By Fresh Scandal, Old Denial

HPD has plenty of problems–sexual harassment, forged tickets, neglected homicides–but the overarching one is denial.