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WTF Friday: The Lavatories of Democracy

In this week’s WTF Friday, we go deep, deep into the lavatories of democracy.

Observer Radio Episode 73: How a Streetcar Fight Derailed San Antonio Politics

David Martin Davies calls in to discuss the death of Julian Castro’s “Modern Streetcar” project and what it portends for San Antonio’s future without its well-known mayor.

Ben Sargent’s Loon Star State: Rick Perry Meets With President Obama

National Guard Troops Deployed to Border Unpaid and Hungry

Members of the National Guard contingent that Governor Perry sent to the border have fallen on hard times, according to one Rio Grande Valley TV station.

Something’s Missing from Wendy Davis Ads—Wendy Davis

Wendy Davis is out with her first two ads—both of them attack ads, neither featuring Davis. What should we make of them?

Judge on Texas’ School Funding: Yep, Still Not Enough

Judge John Dietz rules Texas’ school finance system is unconstitutional, closing a years-long trial and sending the case on to the Texas Supreme Court.

The Observer Review: Rod Davis’ South, America

Freelance detective Jack Prine is not quite as hard-boiled as, say, Mike Hammer, but he’s definitely been on the griddle a few minutes past over-medium.

Houston Cops Always Justified in Shootings. Always.

Houston police kill an average of one person every three weeks. According to all evaluating groups, they also never make mistakes.

At Conservative Panel on Border Security, Money is No Object

At a panel discussion on border security hosted by the Texas Public Policy Foundation today, panelists worried about the porous border but couldn’t say how much it would cost to lock it down.

Lege Takes Up Testing—Another Year Older and Not Much Wiser

Lawmakers grilled Texas Education Commissioner Michael Williams on the state’s stagnating test scores, suggesting the conversation hasn’t changed much since big reforms last year.