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Prop 6: Slush Fund or Solution to Texas’ Water Woes?

Prop 6 is being pitched as a long-term solution to the growing water supply problems of the state. Is it?

Greg Abbott’s Big Idea: Make Austerity Permanent

In a sign that Abbott, like Rick Perry, is willing to borrow budgeting ideas from the libertarian fringe, he proposed a suite of changes to the fundamentals of state budgeting that would effectively put Texas in a permanent state of austerity and dramatically expand the governor’s budgeting authority.

Meet Ted Cruz’s Real Constituents

If Texas Republicans seem to have descended into madness, it’s only because they’ve succumbed to an extreme fringe that now owns the party in this state.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Portions of Contentious Anti-Abortion Law

In a last-minute ruling today, a federal judge blocked portions of House Bill 2, the contentious anti-abortion bill—a partial victory for abortion-rights groups.

The Night Martin Luther King Jr. Came to Dallas

In their new book, Dallas 1963, Bill Minutaglio and Steven L. Davis examine the city’s culture in the early 1960s and the events that led up to JFK’s death on Nov. 22.

WTF Friday: To the Barrycades!

But the week just wouldn’t have been nearly so WTF-y without a certain blast from the past shuffling back onto the national stage. Yep, it’s Hammer time again because Tom DeLay is back, baby.

Texas Book Festival—Presidential Edition

[Also see the Observer's TBF End of the World Itinerary, Debut Author Itinerary, Foodie Itinerary, Borderlands Itinerary, Enviro Itinerary, and Whodunit Itinerary.] Texas is […]

In Austin, Workers Score a Big Win

Austin City Council passed a resolution making Austin the first city to add comprehensive protections for workers into its corporate-incentive program.

Observer Radio Episode 31: Alex Jones, iPads in Schools and the Austin Film Festival

Chris Hooks talks about last weekend’s gun rally in San Antonio.

Texas Book Festival Itinerary—End of the World Edition

[Also see the Observer's Debut Author Itinerary, Foodie Itinerary, Borderlands Itinerary, Enviro Itinerary, and Whodunit Itinerary.] It’s the end of the world as we […]