President Obama signs an Executive Order

Obama issues credit card industry bailout by executive order

By  |  November 7, 2014  |  No Comments

The credit card industry got a huge boost from President Obama last month when he signed an executive order requiring a switch to chip-and-pin technology for government vendors and agencies.

Some Oklahoma Department of Transportation employees are violating state policy with inappropriate emails

Oklahoma employees send out offensive email jokes on state time

Oklahoma  |  4:00 am

Oklahoma Department of Transportation employees are supposed to keep the roads safe and clear, but some also used state time and resources to send out potentially offensive emails that referred to the president as an “Ass hole” and mocked overweight people.

PONDERING PENSIONS: Pennsylvania lawmakers believe there's an appetite for pension reform, but there's no exact idea of what it will look like yet.

Six-figure state pensions on the rise in Florida

Florida  |  4:00 am

Guaranteed pensions — all but extinct in the private sector — are alive and well for government workers.

OH, SO CLOSE: Republican Senate candidate Ed Gillespie could be in position for a future campaign in Virginia.

GOP has cause to cheer, second-guess Virginia election

Virginia  |  4:00 am

Democratic Sen. Mark Warner’s apparent victory leaves Virginia very much a purple state, with just enough Libertarians to change the hue from election to election.

Photo courtesy of Ballotpedia

Vermont gun advocates call Waite-Simpson loss a win for gun rights

Vermont  |  4:00 am

An outspoken advocate for gun control lost her seat in the Vermont House of Representatives this week in what Second Amendment groups called a victory for firearms freedom in the Green Mountain State.

Watchdog file photo.

GAB, Milwaukee County DA bail on key provision behind war on conservatives

Wisconsin  |  7:49 pm

By M.D. Kittle | Wisconsin Reporter

MADISON, Wis. – In a court filing that one constitutional law expert calls a “stunning reversal,” the Government Accountability Board appears to concede that the “legal theory” driving the secret John Doe investigation into Wisconsin conservatives is legally “indefensible.”

Photo courtesy of Flickr.

Mary Landrieu, seeking re-election, vows to ‘speak the truth’ about bigots, sexists in Louisiana

Louisiana  |  4:00 am

U.S. Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana wants another term, but her spokesman won’t answer why she wants to continue representing residents who, she says, carry racist and sexist values.

THEY HAVE SPOKEN: Voters in Pennsylvania lined up to have their say Tuesday at the ballot box. (AP photo)

Controversial photo ID law seems to pass inaugural election test in Virginia

Virginia  |  4:00 am

As all eyes turned to the U.S. Senate races in Virginia and across the nation, a new law in the commonwealth seemed to pass its first election without too many hitches — Virginia’s controversial photo ID law.

HOMELESS: New emergency beds will be added into some shelters in Miami. (Flikr).

Fort Lauderdale joins bandwagon of FL cities passing anti-homeless laws

Florida  |  4:00 am

Laws popping up around Florida make it pretty clear to the homeless they’re not welcome.

Photo by Malia Zimmerman

Group: University of Hawaii fiscal woes hurting students, faculty

Hawaii  |  8:19 am

Students and faculty at the University of Hawaii are joining forces to try to force solutions to the system’s spiraling financial crisis.


New Mexico finishes 38th — again — in business tax climate

New Mexico  |  4:00 am

In the annual rankings of business tax climates, New Mexico finished 38th for the fourth year in a row.



Jon Stewart

Even Jon Stewart thinks Obama’s reaction to world crises is terrible

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little free library

Leawood throws the book at Little Free Library

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The city of Leawood is using the full power of the law to protect property values from the threat of, uh, free cabinet-sized libraries.

A municipal statute designed to ban all detached structures is being levied against Leawood residents Brian and Sarah Collins after their 9-year-old son, Spencer, worked with his dad and grandpa to build the Little Free Library as a Mother’s Day gift.


 |  Alabama

Huntsville schools paid an ex-FBI agent $157,000 to oversee security reforms, including monitoring the social media accounts of the district’s students.

Alabama school district pays ex-FBI agent to monitor students’ social media

 |  Maryland

Maryland remains one of the worst states in the nation for business tax climate, according to the Tax Foundation’s 2015 Business Tax Climate.

Maryland retains dismal business tax climate ranking

 |  New Jersey

The Tax Foundation has released its State Business Tax Climate Index, and New Jersey is at the bottom.

New Jersey has worst business tax climate

 |  Montana

Lewis campaign shown ready, willing and able to blur the truth and hope voters won’t both with the simple research needed to verify claims.

Democratic candidate John Lewis’ gun rights rating not as he claims

 |  Colorado

Denver’s real unemployment rate, like Colorado’s is much higher than the official published figured would indicate.

Denver’s real unemployment rate mirrors Colorado’s

 |  Washington

A secret Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife map obtained by Watchdog Wire purports to show locations of the newly federally protected pocket gopher.

Secret gopher map reveals Washington agency’s power


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