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Business Day

Mexico’s State-Owned Oil Giant, Pemex, Is in Uncharted Waters

Pemex hopes to shed its reputation as a lumbering oil monopoly and to remake itself into a modern company that can compete with the world’s biggest firms.

Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline; Offshore Drilling and Exploration

Business Day

As Abu Dhabi Sizes Up Oil Partners, Western Firms Risk Being Left Out

The emirate has allowed longstanding concessions to major global oil companies to expire, and is considering replacing some of them with partners from Asia and elsewhere.

Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline


Reversing Course on Beavers

Their dams were once obliterated by dynamite and bulldozers, but beavers are getting new respect these days as a defense against the withering impacts of a warmer and drier climate.

Beavers; Global Warming; Water; Levees and Dams; Drought; Conservation of Resources


Louisiana: Plan Reached to Clear Explosives

Fifteen million pounds of abandoned M6 propellant at Camp Minden will be burned in trays holding shallow layers of the powder, the Environmental Protection Agency said Wednesday.

Bombs and Explosives; Hazardous and Toxic Substances; Environment


Fathers, Sons and the Presidency

Our country’s history is one of daddy issues. Just look at the last three presidents.

United States Politics and Government; Parenting; Families and Family Life


In U.S. Cleanup Efforts, Accident at Nuclear Site Points to Cost of Lapses

As the United States aims to correct years of mishandling radioactive materials, the price of reopening a New Mexico waste repository could top $551 million.

Nuclear Wastes; Accidents and Safety; Explosions (Accidental); Nuclear Weapons


A Heart Risk in Drinking Water

Even trace amounts of arsenic in drinking water may increase the risk of heart disease, researchers have found.

Arsenic; Heart; Native Americans; Water; Wells

Home & Garden

A Way With Nature

Designed by UNStudio, the house near the sea has a skin that looks like wind rippling through dunes.

Alternative and Renewable Energy; Sustainable Living; Real Estate and Housing (Residential); Solar Energy; Geothermal Power; Design


Two Years After Sandy's Surge, New York City Shifts Toward a Softer Relationship with the Sea

Two years after Sandy swamped parts of New York City, a vision emerges for a mix of hard and soft landscape changes reflecting the reality of rising seas.

Area Planning and Renewal; Disasters and Emergencies; Floods; Global Warming; Hurricane Sandy (2012)


Video: Ruby Ridge: American Standoff

When armed suspects stand off against the law today, one event continues to cast a shadow on both sides of the police line: the 1992 siege at Ruby Ridge.

Fringe Groups and Movements

Is It Voter Fraud or Voter Suppression in 2014?

Voter fraud, voter ID laws, “the new poll tax” — sound familiar? The voter suppression debate is making another resurgence in the run-up to midterm elections.

Democracy (Theory and Philosophy); Elections; Politics and Government; Presidential Election of 2012; United States Politics and Government; Voter Registration and Requirements; Voting and Voters


Hard-Nosed Advice From Veteran Lobbyist: ‘Win Ugly or Lose Pretty’

When Richard Berman urged Western Energy Alliance members to fight an “endless war” against their opponents, he did not know he was being recorded.

Lobbying and Lobbyists; Political Advertising; Hydraulic Fracturing; Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline


Peace Prize Laureates Urge Disclosure on U.S. Torture

Twelve of President Obama’s fellow Nobel Peace Prize recipients are pushing him to release a Senate report about the C.I.A.'s use of torture after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Torture; Classified Information and State Secrets; Nobel Prizes; Detainees; September 11 (2001); Extraordinary Rendition


‘H20 MX’ Wins Margaret Mead Filmmaker Award

José Cohen and Lorenzo Hagerman have won the 2014 Margaret Mead Filmmaker Award for “H20 MX.”

Movies; Awards, Decorations and Honors; Water Pollution

N.Y. / Region

New Jersey Plan for Sports Betting Halted

A federal judge granted a request by major professional leagues and the N.C.A.A. to block legalized wagering two days before its scheduled start at Monmouth Park.

Gambling; Athletics and Sports; Suits and Litigation (Civil); Casinos; Federal-State Relations (US); College Athletics


Pragmatism on Climate Change Trumps Politics at Local Level Across U.S.

Even as politicians at the national level steer clear of the politically charged topic, officials who live where its effects lap at residents’ doorsteps are embracing the issue.

Global Warming; Local Government; States (US); United States Politics and Government


A County Resents Oil Drilling, Despite the Money It Brings In

Most Glasscock County farmers are powerless to stop energy developers from drilling wells, even as it destroys valuable crop land.

Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline; Agriculture and Farming; Land Use Policies


New Volt Will Have Improved Powertrain and Longer Range

G.M. said the major upgrades to the 2016 model would increase the car’s driving range by up to 12 percent from the current model’s 380-mile rating.

Automobiles; Electric and Hybrid Vehicles; North American International Auto Show

Business Day

Europe Strives to Overcome Its Reliance on Russian Gas

Much of Eastern Europe is vulnerable to cutoffs of gas, oil or coal by Moscow, a situation that has become more urgent with the crisis in Ukraine.

Natural Gas; Energy and Power


The Biggest Ship in the World (Though It Isn’t Exactly a Ship)

Technically, this monstrous natural-gas refinery is a “floating facility,” not a “ship,” but c’mon.

Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline; Ships and Shipping; Natural Gas

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