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Thursday, November 6, 2014


Paraguay: Indigenous Woman Suspected of Being a Witch Is Burned at the Stake

An indigenous woman was burned alive in Paraguay after being accused of witchcraft, a local prosecutor confirmed Wednesday.

Investigators in Mexico Detain Mayor and His Wife Over Missing Students

President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico hailed the arrests and expressed hope they would lead to the whereabouts of the 43 students missing since September.

Keeping Mexico’s Revolutionary Fires Alive

A small teacher training college has been at the center of a national crisis in Mexico since 43 of its students disappeared after a violent confrontation with the police.

U.S. Marine Veteran Back Home After Months in Mexican Jail

Andrew Tahmooressi, held for seven months on weapons charges, arrived in his home state of Florida after a court in Mexico ordered his release.

Argentine Judge Orders Arrest of Spanish Ex-Officials

The judge invoked universal jurisdiction in the case of 20 Franco-era officials accused of torturing dissidents.

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Are You Catholic and Divorced? Share Your Experience

New York Times journalists covering religion would like to hear from Catholics who have been divorced, and, in particular, from those who have remarried.

Black Mexico: An Isolated and Often Forgotten Culture

Mexican authorities are about to do something they have not attempted in decades: ask people on a census form if they consider themselves black.

A Chef Draws on New Flavors From the Amazon

Thiago Castanho wants to show the world the Amazon’s bounty of ingredients has the potential to turn the cuisine of Latin America on its head.

Mexico Finds Many Corpses, but Not the Missing Students

Five other mass graves have been discovered while the search for the 43 missing students continues

A Central American Dream

The Nebaj region of Guatemala has contributed to the surge of unaccompanied minors seeking a better life in the United States.

Deforestation Increasing in the Amazon

The challenges of balancing conservation and economic development in the largest remaining area of tropical forest come into sharp relief in Brazil.

For Migrants, a Difficult Journey Through Mexico

Mexico is trying to disrupt the flow of migrants traveling from Central America to the United States. Many are determined to make the trip anyway.

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