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Thursday, November 6, 2014


Dance Review

A Tale Outsmarting Itself, à la Hitchcock

Alicia Ohs, left, and Carolyn Hall perform Sally Silvers’s
Brian Harkin for The New York Times

Alicia Ohs, left, and Carolyn Hall perform Sally Silvers’s "Actual Size" at Roulette in Brooklyn.

Sally Silvers invokes the mood, imagery and plots of the master of suspense in her work at Roulette.

Dance Review

Skewering the Pretensions of Their Rarefied Milieu

Sending up the pretensions of experimental dance, Larissa Velez-Jackson presented her work “Star Crap Method” at the Chocolate Factory.

Dance Review

Choreographed Anecdotes in a New York Minute

With “Story/Time #35,” at New York Live Arts, Bill T. Jones began two weeks of reading one-minute tales as his dancers perform snippets from his company’s repertory.

Beverly Blossom, Solo Dancer With a ‘Voice,’ Dies at 88

Ms. Blossom was influenced by the work of Bertolt Brecht and studied in Germany with a dance teacher of the expressionist tradition.

Donald Saddler, Dancer, and a Choreographer on Broadway, Dies at 96

A soloist with Ballet Theater, Mr. Saddler made his Broadway musical theater debut in 1947, and he went on to win two Tonys as a Broadway choreographer.

At Autumn Festival in Paris, William Forsythe Is Everywhere

A program brought to the Théâtre de la Ville by Dresden’s Semperoper Ballett highlighted some of the American choreographer’s important early works.

Dance Review

Lighting a Flamenco Fire Under an Ancient Heroine

In Noche Flamenca’s latest adventure, “Antigona,” at the Joyce Theater, the company travels to ancient Greece.

Dance Review

Chilling Story of Friendship and Death, Served Chilled

The French choreographer Gisèle Vienne’s “Kindertotenlieder” explores a youthful murder.


Turning Heads in Tel Aviv

Shamel Pitts, a New York-born Juilliard graduate, talks about what it’s like to live in Tel Aviv as part of the Batsheva Dance Company.


Taking Directions From Hitchcock

In the premiere of “Actual Size,” Sally Silvers uses Hitchcock’s “North by Northwest” as the structural grid.

His Plan: Have One Eye on Everything

Benjamin Millepied prepares for his first season as director of the Paris Opera Ballet.

Fall Arts Preview - Times 100

How to wade through the crush of culture coming your way this season? Here’s a guide to 100 events that have us especially excited, in order of appearance.

McDonald’s B-Boy Royale

Scenes from the break dancing competition.

Recombining Identities to Define a Self

The dancer Panaibra Gabriel Canda from Mozambique communicates expressions of political and personal identity through the body.

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Arts & Entertainment Guide

Noteworthy cultural events in New York City and beyond.