Inside the San Francisco offices of Lyft, which has sued a former executive, who joined its competitor Uber two months after leaving the company.Credit Jim Wilson/The New York Times

Lyft Sues Former Executive, Saying He Stole Trade Secrets

The ride-hailing start-up claims its former chief operating officer took a trove of sensitive documents with him to his new job at Uber, the company’s largest competitor. Read more…

People in China using devices with Apple's mobile operating system could become infected with malicious software if they connected their device to Mac computers with a USB cord.Credit Feng Li/Getty Images

Malicious Software Campaign Targets Apple Users in China

It would not be easy for the average Mac user to be hit by this malware, but it points to new ways in which hackers are targeting Apple products. Read more…

Workday's data analysis can predict which high-performing employees are likely to leave a company in the next year.Credit

Workday to Put Employees Through a Big Data Analysis

The same kind of data analysis behind a Netflix movie recommendation will analyze how people are working in your office. Workday’s new personnel and financials software can spot who’s likely to quit, exceed their expenses, or make sales budgets. Read more…

Outside an Apple store in Madrid. Almost a quarter of the company’s revenue came from Europe in the fiscal fourth quarter.Credit Peter Kneffel/DPA, via Associated Press

Apple Issues Bonds in Euros for First Time

When you are as rich as Apple and you want to make investors happy, you issue debt. On Tuesday, Apple issued debt in euros for the first time.Read more…

Verizon Wireless started an ad-targeting program two years ago that tracks the demographics and interests of customers.Credit John Minchillo/Associated Press

Verizon Wireless Under Fire for Ad-Targeting Program

The cellular provider uses a unique identifier inserted into its customers’ web page requests to tailor advertising to them, raising concerns by online-privacy watchdogs.Read more…

Poll workers at a church in Charlotte, N.C., on Tuesday morning.Credit Chris Keane/Reuters

Facebook Has Its Own Get-Out-the-Vote Message

The social network is using its vast reach into virtually every American household to urge adults to vote in Tuesday’s elections. The effort mirrors Facebook’s push in other countries’ national elections this year.Read more…

Adm. Michael S. Rogers, director of the National Security Agency, speaking at Stanford University on Monday.Credit Marcio Jose Sanchez/Associated Press

N.S.A. Director Makes Another Visit to Silicon Valley

The tough encryption added to Apple’s iPhones made bad relations between tech companies and the intelligence community even worse in recent months. But Adm. Michael S. Rogers played down government concerns.Read more…

Southwest Airlines said that its passengers flying with tablets and smartphones could use Beats Music free over its in-flight Wi-Fi network.Credit LM Otero/Associated Press

Southwest Airlines Offers Free Streaming of Apple’s Beats Music Service

Airplanes are becoming more like electronics retail stores, where you can try things out before you buy them. The latest example is Southwest Airlines, which will allow passengers to test-drive Apple’s Beats Music free on its aircraft equipped with an Internet connection. Read more…


Daily Report: The New Dell

On Tuesday, Michael S. Dell will try to persuade people that his company is about far more than the personal computers and computer servers it has been known for, with products intended for things as varied as the cloud computing networks of global enterprises and handy personal devices.Read more…

Joe Budzienski, left, and Mark Conway, top executives at Monster Worldwide, in the company’s offices in Weston, Mass.Credit Monster

Monster Moves to Restore a Faded Job Search Brand

Monster, which revolutionized online job hunting in the 1990s, is trying to reinvent itself for the era of Twitter and Facebook with new products that capitalize on social media.Read more…

The Federal Communications Commission has noticed an uptick in 911 system outages because of software failures, and not natural disasters.Credit Mel Evans/Associated Press

F.C.C. Weighs Backup System for 911

The proposal comes after the commission has noticed an increase in the number of 911 system outages in recent months.Read more…

An Amazon employee at a warehouse in San Bernardino, Calif. The company said that almost two-thirds of its global work force was male.Credit Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images

Amazon, Unclear on Diversity

Amazon belatedly released its diversity statistics, which were immediately criticized as inadequate and unhelpful.Read more…

A preschool student in Tyler, Tex., receiving a flu shot this month. Google likes to think of itself as a learning machine, and the latest step to include C.D.C. data with its Flu Trends fits that mold.Credit Sarah A. Miller/The Tyler Morning Telegraph, via Associated Press

The New Thing in Google Flu Trends Is Traditional Data

Google Flu Trends is getting an overhaul intended to improve its accuracy. The new ingredient? Traditional public health data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Read more…

Tom Wheeler, the chairman of the F.C.C., proposed in a blog post on Monday that some online sites should be able to provide à la carte video programming.Credit Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Unpacking the F.C.C.’s Online Video Proposal

A blog post by the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission about online video seemed to raise as many questions as it answered.Read more…

The HP Multi Jet Fusion is 10 times faster than most of today’s 3-D printers, according to the company.Credit

HP Unveils Plan to Make 3-D Printing an Everyday Thing

Hewlett Packard, which made a fortune dominating the personal computer printing business, has long been expected to go into 3-D printing. A printer and a design creation system announced Wednesday show a real commitment. Read more…