Monthly Oil and Gas Production Ledgers

The following are the production ledgers which give production, allowable, and production status by field, operator, and well. These ledgers are updated on a monthly basis.

The Oil and Gas Production Ledgers are provided in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF format ). PDF Document

The Production Ledger Archives begins with the March 2013 Ledgers. The ledgers for prior months are available on microfiche in Central Records.  Central Records may be contacted at or 512-463-6882.

Oil and Gas Production Ledgers for August 2014
August 2014 Gas Production Ledgers
Gas District 1 Gas District 2 Gas District 3 Gas District 4 Gas District 5 Gas District 6  
Gas District 7B Gas District 7C Gas District 8 Gas District 8A Gas District 9 Gas District 10  
August 2014 Oil Production Ledgers  
Oil District 1 Oil District 2 Oil District 3 Oil District 4 Oil District 5 Oil District 6  
Oil District 6E Oil District 7B Oil District 7C Oil District 8 Oil District 8A Oil District 9 Oil District 10


Oil and Gas Production Ledgers for July 2014
July 2014 Gas Production Ledgers
Gas District 1 Gas District 2 Gas District 3 Gas District 4 Gas District 5 Gas District 6  
Gas District 7B Gas District 7C Gas District 8 Gas District 8A Gas District 9 Gas District 10  
July 2014 Oil Production Ledgers  
Oil District 1 Oil District 2 Oil District 3 Oil District 4 Oil District 5 Oil District 6  
Oil District 6E Oil District 7B Oil District 7C Oil District 8  Oil District 8A Oil District 9 Oil District 10


Oil and Gas Production Ledgers for June 2014
June 2014 Gas Production Ledgers
Gas District 1 Gas District 2 Gas District 3 Gas District 4 Gas District 5 Gas District 6  
Gas District 7B Gas District 7C Gas District 8 Gas District 8A Gas District 9 Gas District 10  
June 2014 Oil Production Ledgers
Oil District 1 Oil District 2 Oil District 3 Oil District 4 Oil District 5 Oil District 6  
Oil District 6E Oil District 7B Oil District 7C Oil District 8 Oil District 8A Oil District 9 Oil District 10


Oil and Gas Production Ledgers for May 2014
May 2014 Gas Production Ledgers
Gas District 1 Gas District 2 Gas District 3 Gas District 4 Gas District 5  Gas District 6   
Gas District 7B Gas District 7C Gas District 8  Gas District 8A Gas District 9  Gas District 10  
May 2014 Oil Production Ledgers
Oil District 1 Oil District 2 Oil District 3 Oil District 4 Oil District 5 Oil District 6  
Oil District 6E Oil District 7B Oil District 7C Oil District 8 Oil District 8A Oil District 9 Oil District 10

Oil and Gas Production Ledgers for April 2014
April 2014 Gas Production Ledgers
Gas District 1 Gas District 2 Gas District 3 Gas District 4 Gas District 5 Gas District 6  
Gas District 7B Gas District 7C Gas District 8 Gas District 8A Gas District 9  Gas District 10  
April 2014 Oil Production Ledgers
Oil District 1 Oil District 2 Oil District 3 Oil District 4 Oil District 5 Oil District 6  
Oil District 6E  Oil District 7B Oil District 7C  Oil District 8  Oil District 8A  Oil District 9  Oil District 10

Oil and Gas Production Ledgers for March 2014
March 2014 Gas Production Ledgers
Gas District 1 Gas District 2 Gas District 3 Gas District 4 Gas District 5   Gas District 6  
Gas District 7B Gas District 7C Gas District 8  Gas District 8A Gas District 9 Gas District 10  
March 2014 Oil Production Ledgers  
Oil District 1 Oil District 2 Oil District 3 Oil District 4 Oil District 5 Oil District 6  
Oil District 6E Oil District 7B Oil District 7C Oil District 8 Oil District 8A Oil District 9  Oil District 10

Oil and Gas Production Ledgers for February 2014
February 2014 Gas Production Ledgers
Gas District 1 Gas District 2 Gas District 3 Gas District 4 Gas District 5 Gas District 6   
Gas District 7B Gas District 7C Gas District 8 Gas District 8A Gas District 9  Gas District 10  
February 2014 Oil Production Ledgers  
Oil District 1 Oil District 2 Oil District 3 Oil District 4 Oil District 5 Oil District 6  
Oil District 6E Oil District 7B Oil District 7C Oil District 8 Oil District 8A Oil District 9  Oil District 10


Oil & Gas Production Ledgers for January 2014
January 2014 Gas Production Ledgers
Gas District 1 Gas District 2 Gas District 3 Gas District 4 Gas District 5 Gas District 6  
Gas District 7B Gas Disrict 7C Gas District 8 Gas District 8A Gas District 9 Gas District 10  
January 2014 Oil Production Ledgers
Oil District 1
Oil District 2 Oil District 3 Oil District 4 Oil District 5 Oil District 6  
Oil District 6E Oil District 7B Oil District 7C Oil District 8 Oil District 8A Oil District 9 Oil District 10

Last Updated: 10/30/2014 10:20:35 AM