The art of stillness book cover
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“In an age of distraction, nothing can be more luxurious than paying attention. And in an age of constant movement, nothing could be more urgent than sitting still.”
– Pico Iyer, author of The Art of Stillness

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4 critical mistakes that inventors make

Written by Kate Torgovnick May • Posted Nov 5, 2014
The history of innovation isn’t a straight line, but a squiggly, winding path. In How We Got To Now, my new book and PBS documentary series, I highlight some of the creative mistakes that helped shape our world.
Book excerpt

Why we need a secular sabbath

Written by TED Guest Author • Posted Nov 4, 2014
As technology accelerates our lives, many of us feel an urgent need to slow down. One seductive solution: A secular sabbath. Pico Iyer makes the case, in this meditative excerpt from his new TED Book, The Art of Stillness: Adventures in Going Nowhere

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TEDActive 2015: Truth and Dare.
March 16–20 2015
Whistler, BC, Canada

In 2015, we will seek to challenge our core beliefs in search of deeper truth, while we celebrate the thinkers, dreamers and mavericks who dare to offer bold new alternatives.

Join us at TEDActive 2015, where you can actively engage in a creative community while enjoying the TED Conference on beautiful HD screens in the relaxed, award-winning environment of Whistler. Make new friends, explore innovative experiences, contribute to workshops and discussions, and see what impact you can have.

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TED Books
The Art of Stillness: Adventures in Going Nowhere
By Pico Iyer

An unexpected truth from a celebrated travel writer: stillness just might be the ultimate adventure. Pico Iyer reveals how stillness can act as a creative catalyst, and advocates for a way of living that counters the frenetic design of our modern lives.

Available now

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TED is a platform for ideas worth spreading. Started in 1984 as a conference where technology, entertainment and design converged, TED today shares ideas from a broad spectrum — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Meanwhile, independent TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world.

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