
Journalism in the Public Interest


How Crowdsourcing Helped Bring Red Cross Problems to Light

The ability to reach a much wider universe of sources gives reporters a powerful tool — if they know which questions to ask.
‘How Did You Start Investigating the Red Cross’: A Q & A With ProPublica Reporters
North Dakota Abortion Amendment Fails

North Dakota Abortion Amendment Fails

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Slim Fast Billionaire Fattens Wallet of Scandal-Plagued Former Israeli Prime Minister

Private foundation funded by founder of Slim Fast paid tax deductible dollars to consulting company owned by Ehud Olmert, Israeli political figure accused of corruption.

Everything That’s Happened Since Supreme Court Ruled on Voting Rights Act

Ahead of the November midterms, we take stock of the state of voting rights across the country.

Privacy Tools: The Best Encrypted Messaging Programs

A new ranking of popular encrypted messaging programs finds the ones that are most effective at protecting users' privacy.

MuckReads Podcast: 100 Years of Investigative Reporting Across the Globe

Cezary Podkul talks to Columbia University’s Anya Schiffrin about when journalism makes a difference and why.

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Some of the best #MuckReads we read this week. Want to receive these by email? Sign up to get this briefing delivered to your inbox every weekend.

Secret Donors Behind Some Super PACs Funneling Millions into Midterms

Super PACs are required to identify their contributors, but some of them are funded entirely or mostly by social welfare nonprofits that don't have to do so. That leaves voters in the dark about where money is really coming from.

Senate Hearing Set on Secret Recordings at N.Y. Fed

A banking subcommittee will explore the case of fired examiner Carmen Segarra and whether the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is too soft on institutions it supervises.

Help Us Investigate Discrimination Against Pregnant Workers

Have you observed an employer discriminate against pregnant women or new mothers? Help our reporting by sharing your story.

As Vote Nears, North Dakota Amendment Stirs Debate About More Than Abortion

Money and strategists are shaping a nationally watched campaign amid talk of in vitro fertilization and end-of-life care.

Somebody’s Already Using Verizon’s ID to Track Users

Twitter is using a newly discovered hidden code that the telecom carriers are adding to every page you visit – and it's very hard to opt out.

In Private Papers, A More Candid Tim Geithner Speaks Out

The former Treasury secretary and architect of the Obama administration's financial rescue sounds more like some of his detractors in papers that were never meant to be public.

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10 Disturbing Things ProPublica Learned Investigating the Red Cross’ Sandy Relief Efforts

10 Disturbing Things ProPublica Learned Investigating the Red Cross’ Sandy Relief Efforts

How did so much go so wrong? 10 disturbing findings from ProPublica's investigation.

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The way lenders and collectors pursue consumer debt has undergone an aggressive transformation in America. Collectors today don’t give up easy, often pursuing debts for years. It’s now routine for companies to sue debtors, then seize their wages or the cash in their bank accounts. For many people, these changes have profoundly affected their lives.

8 Stories in the Series. Latest:

Company That Sues Soldiers Pledges Reform, Changes Name

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Dispatches from Freedom Summer

In 1964, whites and blacks joined to, as some put it, drag Mississippi back into the United States. Violence erupted. Lives were lost. But change was wrought, too.

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Keep on Pushing

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ProPublica investigates the threats to privacy in an era of cellphones, data mining and cyberwar, including how citizens are digitally tracked by governments and corporations.

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NSA Documents Suggest a Close Working Relationship Between NSA, U.S. Companies

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Temp Land

Temp employment is climbing to record levels following the Great Recession. The system benefits brand-name companies but harms American workers through lost wages, high injury rates, few if any benefits, and little opportunity for advancement.

14 Stories in the Series. Latest:

California Governor Signs Bill to Protect Temp Workers

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