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Sen. Jeff Sessions: President Obama Arrogantly Opposing the Will of the People on Immigration
Bin Laden Shooter Confirms Identity Ahead of Interview
The SEAL Team Six member who reportedly shot Osama Bin Laden three times in the head has confirmed his identity, even as conflicting narratives continue to emerge over just what went down when the terror chief was taken out in May 2011. ... [Full Story]
By continuing to push his plan to take executive action on immigration, [Full Story]
In an interview with Fox News aired Thursday, retired Marine Sgt. Andrew [Full Story]
Tea party activists say the midterm elections' Republican wave swept in [Full Story]
Netanyahu Pledges Action to Jordan's King in Temple Mount Crisis
In a Thursday phone call to Jordan's Abdullah II, Israeli Prime Minister [Full Story]
Rep. Israel Out at DCCC After House Race Shellacking
In the wake of major losses for Democrats in Tuesday's midterm elections, [Full Story]
Russian Businessman With Putin Ties Investigated for Money Laundering
A member of Russian President Vladimir Putin's inner circle and one of [Full Story]
What is the Easiest Way to Quit Smoking?
SPECIAL: Modern Health Central… [Full Story]
US: Air Strikes 'Killed' French Bombmaker in Syria
U.S. air raids in Syria overnight targeted and likely killed a French [Full Story]
Gen. Dempsey: US Troops' Ebola Deployment Could Last 18 Months
The military's Ebola mission in West Africa could last 18 months, Gen. [Full Story]
Why GOP Won: Shifting White Votes Hurt Democrats
White voters of all ages were less likely to back Democrats this year than [Full Story]
Politico: 'Great Unrest' Among Democrats Over Pelosi After Midterms
No Democrat dares publicly challenge powerful House Minority Leader Nancy [Full Story]
Oregon voters overwhelmingly rejected a ballot measure that would have [Full Story]
Adolf Hitler is back, walking the streets of Dresden, Brandenburg, and [Full Story]
Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas has dropped a tantalizing hint that he's [Full Story] |
With the Virginia Senate race between incumbent Democrat Mark Warner and [Full Story]
Alan Dershowitz: GOP Congress Must Fix US-Israel Ties
The Constitution gives Congress all the authority it needs to repair damage done by President Barack Obama to America's critical alliance with Israel, and to prevent the White House from cutting a bad nuclear deal with Iran, legal scholar Alan Dershowitz said Thursday. [Full Story] |
Mark Halperin: Hillary Was Tuesday's Loser 'In a 2016 Context'
Political commentator Mark Halperin declared Hillary Clinton the “loser” of the midterm elections in a “2016 context.” [Full Story] |
Telling It Like It Is: Vatican Shameful to Criticize Maynard
"MidPoint" host Ed Berliner said on Newsmax TV Thursday that it's shameful for the Vatican to criticize the decision of Brittany Maynard, who was suffering from terminal cancer, to take her life, which he says was an act of courage. [Full Story] |
Mexico's 43 Missing Students: Dead or Alive?
The arrest of an ex-mayor and wife team suspected of masterminding the disappearance of 43 students raised hopes Wednesday that authorities can finally track them down -- dead or even alive.Thousands of security forces backed by drones and boats have been combing towns,... [Full Story]
A Better Way to Treat Enlarged Prostate
It's a health problem that is both widespread and difficult to treat: 8 in 10 older men in the U.S. suffer from an enlarged prostate. Until now, most conventional treatments for the condition - also known as prostatic hyperplasia or BPH - have been iffy at best. Either... [Full Story]
New Malware Can Infect IPhones via Mac Computers
A newly discovered family of malware has the capacity to infect iPhones via Apple computers, posing a security threat to devices that have been largely resistant to cybercriminals, researchers said.The researchers at Palo Alto Networks, a cybersecurity firm, said the... [Full Story]
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