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White House Awards the Medal of Honor to Alonzo H. Cushing

The White House awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously to Army First Lieutenant Alonzo… View Post

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    State Department Briefing

    Spokesman Jen Psaki briefs reporters and responds to their questions on a variety of international topics, including U.S. relations with Iran, political transition in Burkina Faso, and continuing strikes against Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) targets.

  • House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) Briefing

    House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) takes reporters' questions in his first briefing after the GOP secured control of the Senate and expanded its majority in the House. He urges President Obama not to “poison the well” on immigration…

  • White House Briefing

    White House Spokesman Josh Earnest briefs reporters and takes their questions on a variety of topics, including U.S. efforts to combat Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) militants and ongoing trade talks with Asian nations.

  • Discussion on the 2014 Midterm Elections

    The American Enterprise Institute hosts a discussion looking at the results of the 2014 midterm elections and what impact a Republican-controlled Senate will have as the 114th Congress prepares to convene in January.

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